Tools for Quality Management Implementation


There are several tools and techniques that can be used with regards to implementation of quality management processes such as cost-benefit analysis, benchmarking, flow charting, experiment designing, quality cost, quality audits and many others. Involvement of senior management, understanding about customers and their focus are extremely important for achieving success in the construction project. Both leadership and human resource management can be considered to be among some of the key predictors of quality management related practices (QM). The role of quality in the construction industry is directly associated with customer satisfaction. And thus, quality management plans are essential for maintaining reliability and dependability so that utmost satisfaction to the customers can be provided. Quality management systems (QMS) can be carried out at the management level or even at the organisational level as well. For implementing quality management in construction related projects, the role of aspects such as quality planning that entails identification of the specific quality standards, quality assurance in which analysis of overall performance of the project is assessed, and finally quality control wherein specific project results are monitored. Within the construction industry it is perceived that an expanding measure of time is being spent in the planning or assessment of authoritative cases. A key to this is the expanded complexity of customers in applying the prerequisites of the standard types of building contract. These contracts, in essence, put the burden of proof on the contractor(s). However, the task of providing such proof, though can be in the form of documentary evidence, usually becomes complicated due to lack of proper records. Therefore to make things worse economic loss is often accompanied by loss of good will Examination of project records shows that questions have not been asked when they should have been, problems are not seen until after they have occurred. It is typically not the case that the individuals involved lack expertise or initiative. It is more often the case that they are pressed for time by other concerns resulting in them giving these issues scant attention.



A very important aspect of any research study is that of literature review. In this section, the scholar has focused on assessing the past studies and investigations in order to gain a better understanding about the research topic. In context of the current study, performing a thorough analysis of past studies will help both the researcher and the readers in getting a better understanding about the subject matter. In addition, this will also aid the readers in gaining conceptual clarity and therefore develop a sound understanding about the research topic. Within the construction industry it is perceived that an expanding measure of time is being spent in the planning or assessment of authoritative cases. A key to this is the expanded complexity of customers in applying the prerequisites of the standard types of building contract. These contracts, in essence, put the burden of proof on the contractor(s). However, the task of providing such proof, though can be in the form of documentary evidence, usually becomes complicated due to lack of proper records. Therefore to make things worse economic loss is often accompanied by loss of good will Examination of project records shows that questions have not been asked when they should have been, problems are not seen until after they have occurred. It is typically not the case that the individuals involved lack expertise or initiative. It is more often the case that they are pressed for time by other concerns resulting in them giving these issues scant attention. As indicated by Keenan and Rostami (2019), quality frameworks include inward and outside perspectives. An interior quality framework covers exercises pointed toward giving certainty to the administration of an association that the expected quality is being accomplished. This is known as a "quality management framework". Effective execution of value the board framework can add to an expansion in item quality, improvement in workmanship and effectiveness, a reduction in wastage, and increment benefit. In the interim, an outer quality framework covers exercises pointed toward moving trust in the customer that the provider's quality framework will give an item or administration that will fulfill the customer's quality necessities (Panuwatwanich and Nguyen, 2017). This is known as a "quality affirmation framework". A powerful arranging requires the association to anticipate the assets and the development work by giving the work program, cost program, project quality arrangement, work, material and plant plan, development technique proclamation and assessment and test plan (Thomas and Jayakumar, 2017). Thus, it will become as the center reference for the development cycle control and conformance and execution estimation measures. As indicated by Nikolay (2016), the rules to guarantee the quality in arranging are: (I) Ensure that all important gatherings including advisors, subcontractors and providers are remembered for the assignment of value anticipating the undertaking; (ii) Establish and characterize the reason for the quality framework; (iii) In the arrangement, limit the exertion needed to revise duplicates of records; (iv) Set up a quality framework advancement group so the group can create a powerful arrangement; (v) Ensure that all through the quality arranging task continually centered around the client necessities. Development is a diverse cycle including numerous associations on a solitary venture; in any case, the contractor's, advisor's and customer's jobs are urgent for the achievement of any task (Levy, 2018). Their exhibition, centers, strategies, cycles and techniques straightforwardly affect all partners in the business. Dong (2017) additionally centers around project workers. Any interaction that makes the presentation of the workers for hire productive and viable will decidedly affect the entire business. Quality control is extremely essential in accomplishing satisfactory execution on building destinations. The meaning of this exploration lies in the chance of adding to the abundance of data on quality control plans and practices by workers for hire (Willar and Coffey, 2016).

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Quality is one of the fundamental variables in the accomplishment of development projects. Nature of development projects, too as venture achievement, can be viewed as the satisfaction of assumptions of the undertaking members (Rumane, 2017). Quality, cost and time have been perceived as the principle factors concerning the customer. Notwithstanding, for most of undertakings, the expense and time boundaries are the principle pre involving factors for development project. The creators underline more consideration towards quality. The role of quality in the construction industry is directly associated with customer satisfaction (Hertlein, 2016). And thus, quality management plans are essential for maintaining reliability and dependability so that utmost satisfaction to the customers can be provided. Quality management systems (QMS) can be carried out at the management level or even at the organisational level as well (Jimoh et. al., 2019). For implementing quality management in construction related projects, the role of aspects such as quality planning that entails identification of the specific quality standards, quality assurance in which analysis of overall performance of the project is assessed, and finally quality control wherein specific project results are monitored. These are the main areas of process of quality management, as defined by the Project Management Institute. There are several tools and techniques that can be used with regards to implementation of quality management processes such as cost-benefit analysis, benchmarking, flow charting, experiment designing, quality cost, quality audits and many others. According to Brahmachary et. al, (2018), involvement of senior management, understanding about customers and their focus are extremely important for achieving success in the construction project. In view of Lukichev and Romanovich (2016) stated that both leadership and human resource management can be considered to be among some of the key predictors of quality management related practices (QM). On development related examination, Jraisat and Hattar (2016) remarked that top administration responsibility is one of the components that would reflect QM execution measures in development firms. Mazari and Nazarian (2017) tracked down that top administration responsibility is the most basic factor for the effective execution of ISO 9000. According to Nguyen et. al. (2018), quality management systems (QMS) can be defined as any and all types of activities related to the overall management function that helps in determining and controlling the quality policy, objectives and responsibilities as well as implement them through tools and aspects like quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement within the quality systems (Jung et. al, 2016). In order to ensure continuos improvement of the QMS, it is imperative for the top management of the construction team to give their full support and commitment so that new projects can be successfully developed and implemented (Alkaissy et. Al, 2020).

Quality is one of the fundamental variables in the accomplishment of development projects. Nature of development projects, too as venture achievement, can be viewed as the satisfaction of assumptions of the undertaking members (Rumane, 2017). Quality, cost and time have been perceived as the principle factors concerning the customer. Notwithstanding, for most of undertakings, the expense and time boundaries are the principle pre involving factors for development project. The creators underline more consideration towards quality. The role of quality in the construction industry is directly associated with customer satisfaction. And thus, quality management plans are essential for maintaining reliability and dependability so that utmost satisfaction to the customers can be provided. Quality management systems (QMS) can be carried out at the management level or even at the organisational level as well (Thomas and Jayakumar, 2017). For implementing quality management in construction related projects, the role of aspects such as quality planning that entails identification of the specific quality standards, quality assurance in which analysis of overall performance of the project is assessed, and finally quality control wherein specific project results are monitored. These are the main areas of process of quality management, as defined by the Project Management Institute. There are several tools and techniques that can be used with regards to implementation of quality management processes such as cost-benefit analysis, benchmarking, flow charting, experiment designing, quality cost, quality audits and many others. According to Ma et. al. (2018), involvement of senior management, understanding about customers and their focus are extremely important for achieving success in the construction project. In view of Lukichev and Romanovich (2016) stated that both leadership and human resource management can be considered to be among some of the key predictors of quality management related practices (QM). On development related examination, Panuwatwanich and Nguyen (2017) remarked that top administration responsibility is one of the components that would reflect QM execution measures in development firms. Cho (2017) tracked down that top administration responsibility is the most basic factor for the effective execution of ISO 9000. According to Nguyen et. al. (2018), quality management systems (QMS) can be defined as any and all types of activities related to the overall management function that helps in determining and controlling the quality policy, objectives and responsibilities as well as implement them through tools and aspects like quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement within the quality systems. In order to ensure continuos improvement of the QMS, it is imperative for the top management of the construction team to give their full support and commitment so that new projects can be successfully developed and implemented (Willar and Coffey, 2016).


Another very important part of any research investigation is designing and developing the right methodology so that the study can be carried out efficiently and effectively. In context of the current study, this section provides an analysis of the various methods and techniques that have been used for carrying out the research work. The following paragraphs provides a description and analysis of the various methods that will be used during the current study.

Research Philosophy

A research philosophy can be defined as the belief of the researcher regarding the way data for a study should be collected, analysed and used. Through a research philosophy, the researcher can determine better and effective ways for collecting, analysing and interpreting the data. Kumar (2018) stated that a well-defined and adequately selected research philosophy could be the differentiating factor in the way the research investigation is carried out. In the current study, interpretivism philosophy will be used. Through this philosophy, the researcher will focus on interpreting the responses of the interviews. Since a qualitative design will be used in the current study, it would be more useful for the researcher to use the interpretive philosophy. By using this philosophy, the researcher will be able to provide a holistic perspective on the subject matter (Snyder, 2019). It would help in conducting the study in a better and more effective manner, while also ensuring that the topic is thoroughly explored, and its various facets are evaluated.

Research Approach

Research approach comprises of the different stages and steps that are needed to be completed to lead the examination effectively (Dźwigoł, 2018). Through an exploration approach, the researcher can decide the different advances that are needed to be performed for directing the examination in a way that would prompt the achievement of its point and targets. Examination approach empowers the scientist in deciding the best game-plan for leading the examination and guaranteeing that it is completed appropriately. There are two fundamental kinds of exploration draws near – inductive and deductive. Researcher, in the current examination, will utilize inductive methodology. In the inductive methodology, the specialist utilizes or depends upon known premises or realities. The principle justification choosing this methodology is the way that through it, the researcher will actually want to play out a broad investigation of the information gathered from various sources (Nayak and Singh, 2021). Likewise, it will enable the researcher to determine the outcomes from a more broader viewpoint also. This way comprehension of specialists about the exploration point can be upgraded, alongside aiding them in understanding the topic.

Data Collection

As the name suggests, this perspective is related with deciding different wellsprings of information and the way(s) the information is gathered in the examination. This is a fundamental part of any exploration examination and hence will in general altogether affect the manner in which the investigation is completed. Basically, the hotspots for gathering information for any examination can be classified into two sources – primary and secondary (Mohajan, 2018). The essential sources involve gathering such information which has not been utilized in other past examinations; while the optional information comprises of past writing accessible in regards to the topic. In the current study, the two sources will be utilized for gathering the information. The principle justification choosing both the sources is that it would upgrade the general legitimacy, dependability and nature of the examination. To gather information from essential sources, the scientist will depend on leading meetings. In this the analyst will perform meetings of industry specialists and experts who have the important information and comprehension about the topic (Taherdoost, 2016). Aside from this, the researcher will likewise depend on auxiliary hotspots for acquiring the important data about the topic. In this scientist will get to and evaluate diverse past diary articles, government reports just as online articles. Utilizing such information from the optional sources will work on the comprehension of the perusers just as the specialist about the topic.


For a research investigation, the part of sampling is essential. A research, wherein primary sources are used for data collection; researchers are required to identify the target population from which the said data will be collected through different tools and methods (Babii, 2020). Since the whole target population cannot be involved in the research process, it is then broken down into several pieces, which then forms the sample population. Thus, sampling is the process of breaking several smaller sections, which possess similar characteristics of the target population. It is to be ensured that the sample is representative of the target population to make the data as valid, accurate and thus reliable as possible. There are several sampling strategies. In the current study, the researcher will use stratified sampling. Herein the sample population will include 25 experts from the construction industry will be recruited. The criteria based on which such individuals would be selected will be the experience of more than four years as an expert on the subject matter.

Data Analysis

In this section of the research methodology chapter, the scientist decides and examines the devices and techniques that will be utilized for dissecting the information gathered from various sources (Zangirolami-Raimundo, 2018). There are two fundamental techniques for information investigation – qualitative and quantitative. In the current investigation, subjective strategies will be utilized. Thus method of topical examination will be utilized. The researcher will decide and foster various subjects or measure, which then, at that point would be utilized to break down the information. The primary justification choosing this technique for information investigation is that it empowers the analyst to play out a top to bottom examination of the information. Through this technique, the researcher can play out an itemized investigation of the information.


To achieve this aim, the researcher will have to fulfil the following objectives:

To examine the importance of quality management plans for construction sites.

To identify and evaluate different fully integrated project quality control apps for construction sites.

To assess the role of quality management plans and the use of fully integrated project quality control apps for construction sites like FieldView.

Research Questions

Answering the following research questions will help in achieving the aim and objectives of the current study:

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What is the importance of quality management plans for construction sites?

What are the various types of different fully integrated project quality control apps for construction sites?

What is the role of quality management plans and the use of fully integrated project quality control apps for construction sites like FieldView?

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Brahmachary, T. K. et. al., (2018). Health, safety and quality management practices in construction sector: A case study. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 8(2), 47-64.

Cho, J. H. (2017). An empirical study on top management's leadership in construction quality management activities and construction quality management performance. Journal of the korean society for quality management, 45(3), 403-426.

Dong, R. R. (2017). The application of BIM technology in building construction quality management and talent training. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(7), 4311-4317.

Hertlein, B., (2016). A comparison of quality management for bored pile/drilled shaft (BP/DS) foundation construction and the implementation of recent technologies. DFI Journal-The Journal of the Deep Foundations Institute, 10(2), 87-94.

Jimoh, R. et. al.,(2019). Total quality management practices and organizational performance: the mediating roles of strategies for continuous improvement. International Journal of Construction Management, 19(2), 162-177.

Levy, S. M. (2018). Project management in construction. McGraw-Hill Education.

Keenan, M. and Rostami, A. (2019). The impact of quality management systems on construction performance in the North West of England. International Journal of Construction Management, 1-13.

Lukichev, S. and Romanovich, M. (2016). The quality management system as a key factor for sustainable development of the construction companies. Procedia Engineering, 165, 1717-1721.

Mohajan, H. K. (2018). Qualitative research methodology in social sciences and related subjects. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 7(1), 23-48.

Nguyen, P. T. et. al., (2018). Construction project quality management using building information modeling 360 field. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 9(10), 228-233.

Panuwatwanich, K. and Nguyen, T. T. (2017). Influence of total quality management on performance of Vietnamese construction firms. Procedia Engineering, 182, 548-555.

Taherdoost, H. (2016). Sampling methods in research methodology; how to choose a sampling technique for research. How to Choose a Sampling Technique for Research (April 10, 2016).

Willar, D. and Coffey, V. (2016). Organisational culture and quality management system implementation in Indonesian construction companies. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.

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