Greek is one of the ancient civilizations whose women roles in Theatre were restricted. Generally, their presence on stage was mentioned to be “dangerous”. How or why it was deemed so was not explained and can thus be taken as a prejudice Hager & Fragkou.
View More >>The international trade law as embodied in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) was formulated to promote the stability and predictability of the multilateral trading system in the global capital system.
View More >>Although research linked with palaeolithic fire usage has a long history, in the last decade it has seen a particular resurgence.
View More >>This research concerns the issues of safety that are involved where children are exposed to online environments and how these issues are responded to in by the legal system.
View More >>According to Bignon, Caroli, and Galbiati, (2016), the economic condition of the country depends on the growth rate, social development, poverty and unemployment of the country as well as crime rate of the country. Through considering theses factors, it is possible to understand the economic condition of France and negative impacts further leads the country towards high crime and low growth equilibrium.
View More >>The Internet has developed hugely in the two its applications and number of clients because of its one of a kind qualities of adaptability, intuitiveness, and personalization. It has been a helpful instrument for correspondence, amusement, training, and electronic exchange (Akman, 2010). The progressive change delivered by data innovation importantly affects daily lives.
View More >>The outcome of the referendum of UK on the continuity of EU membership (Brexit), in the form of the impending withdrawal from the EU
View More >>Distance learning, also termed as Distance education is a form of education that mainly focuses on the physical separation of teachers and students with the use of various technologies to facilitate the communication between teachers and students. According to Uribe and Vaughan (2017) distance learning mainly focuses on non-traditional students which include full-time workers, military personnel along with remote individuals or non-residents of a region. Presently, distance learning has been emerging to become an established element in the educational systems around the globe, owing to its characteristic of physical separation; it has gained advantages and recognition during COVID-19.
View More >>“New Start Highland is a dynamic charity based in Inverness with operations across the highlands. They need to balance both for purpose and profit elements of their business”. The organisation has developed a new brand Uniqueness, which is a furniture selling company. This organisation is clearly having a mission of reduction of employment barriers providing the people support who are facing housing issues and home decoration crisis. The main purpose of this brand is to design some unique furniture and involve project work towards business process development.
View More >>The dissertation has highlighted the general concept of women empowerment in the South Asian context and in particular in the Nepal context. Literature review has found that the theories and concept of women empowerment, such as presented by Kabeer (1999) could not find place in South Asian countries. Literature review found that women abilities to freely practice individual choices are dampened by the existence of gender based social issues, such inequality, violence, or child marriage. This view is supported by the finding of UNICEF, South Asia, which reported that deprivation of education and forced child marriage, which tend to keep the girls backward. Similar social issues,
View More >>In the recent pandemic era, the health and social care sector are facing several issues and market threats to run their operations efficiently. The organisational activities at Four Seasons Health Care will be analysed through this literature
View More >>The emergence and rapid spread of the Covid-19 throughout the world has resulted in a global crisis of an unprecedented scale. The Chinese Government announced on December 8th, 2019 that its healthcare services were treating multiple people of an infection that it had since identified as the corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19)
View More >>Strength training impacts on linear speed and jump performance in soccer players (Hammami et al., 2017). Soccer is a sport that has been widely characterized by high intensity and intermittent exercises such as speed and jump performances (Banda et al., 2019).
View More >>It has puzzled me over the years that there is a lot of reminders through emails, meetings, and memorandums for all the employees to have an updated professional development plan (PDP) within our organisation. It has always been the only area that had been
View More >>As members of this industry, we all know the power of exercise/physical activity/sport can have on helping to build a community and to mitigate the trauma those affected are likely to experience the coming months. In light of this, funding is being made
View More >>The Kashmir dispute is one of the most long-standing issues between the two South Asian neighbours, India and Pakistan. It is a complex issue that has historical, social, political, and even ethnic angles and political parties,
View More >>Police corruption is considered to be a specific kind of corruption involving a specific part of the society and having much significance as there are serious impacts of misuse of the police powers in a corrupt manner (Prenzler, 2009). The fact that police
View More >>The relation between inequality and crime is of interest in multiple disciplines, including sociology, economics, psychology and epidemiology (Rufrancos et al., 2013). Different theoretical propositions have been made to explain the relationship between
View More >>Missed parcel represents a significant problem in the current business environment that is heavily reliant on delivery services. From food, clothes, machines, beauty products to electronics within the market can be delivered to a consumer in the current
View More >>Weithin this paper, is my videos for New Media and productions broken down into The Dream Sequence, The Advert, The Documentary and Video Game. Fundamentally, the paper outlines the development approach followed in creation of music
View More >>The role of Gamal Nasser in the politics of Egypt and the Middle East has attracted significant attention from scholars over time. Gamal Nasser is one of the most significant political figures in Egypt and the Middle East and his political ideologies and policies, otherwise known as Nasserism, continue to influence the politics of the Middle East which, in turn, affect the way the region relates with the Western countries. The literature review in this research will be focused on how Nasser’s political ideologies and policies influence the relations of Egypt and the Middle East with the Western countries today.
View More >>Relativism in human rights is an approach that argues against the universal values of human rights and instead proposes that cultural values and customs can be used to pose exceptions to universal values of human rights. Universalism in human rights, which is the opposite approach to relativism, posits that certain human rights are inalienable and inherent in all people around the world, irrespective of their nationalities and cultures.
View More >>In recent times, home security improvement, one-man-one-vote, fight against corruption and transparency have gained prominence in not only Somalia but also across the global. One of the most implemented approach is having a direct, continuous, and up-to-date record of citizen vital events and information such as marriages, deaths, births, employment status, and, importantly, movement.
View More >>Violence is referred to as the use of physical force to instigate abuse, damage, injure or destroy various property or people, whose results are adverse. Globally, Varnum, & Grossmann, (2017) argue that violence has resulted in the demise of many people and caused majority of the same to be injured. In organizational settings, violent behaviors from the workers affect the normal operations of the firm.
View More >>Primates have been linked as species sharing the same evolution pattern with human beings. In fact, studies on evolution point to the fact that human beings evolved in the same family with the great apes which include Bonobos (Pan paniscus) and Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus and Pongo abelii). Dixon (2012) explains that natural and sexual selection resulted in the differences among human beings and other primates. However, the fact that human beings share the same tree of life with these primates signifies that certain key aspects (such as sexual behavior) are quite similar. This led to increased studies to explore the sexuality and sexual behavior among the primates.
View More >>Increased industrialization and human activity have adversely impacted the environment causing global climatic situations and changes: including global warming, increased hurricanes and earthquakes as well as the depletion of natural resources (Mgbemene, Nnaji and Nwozor, 2016: Patnaik, 2018: Bhandari and Garg, 2016). This is much so due to the insatiable human needs and the slow regeneration rate of the natural resources as compared to their exploitation and as such presenting the problem of sustainability of natural resources and by extension the supply chain of other resources.
View More >>In modern times, churches are facing the question of how they are going to sustain membership for the future of the church. When families join the church, it is a symbol of growth (Alexander 2017). This is because when families join, they include parents and children. Ideally, it is the children within the family that go on to become members of the church.
View More >>Female Muslim systemic or family practitioners are placed in a peculiar situation where the intersection between their religion and gender may mean that they face different challenges in negotiating identities as part of their therapeutic practice. These challenges may be made more complex in case of female practitioners who are veiled (hijab) and are involved in therapy work with families that may be Muslim as well as non-Muslim.
View More >>Government institutions have used technology to improve the quality of their services as well as tackling corruption by reducing red tape. Theory suggests that the use of information technology for all transactions enable governments to promote transparency and accountability. E-governmenance would allowed government to provide citizens with better services, provide direct interaction between government and stakeholders and give citizens access to a wide range of information with which to hold governments to account .
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