Analysis of New Media Productions


Weithin this paper, is my videos for New Media and productions broken down into The Dream Sequence, The Advert, The Documentary and Video Game. Fundamentally, the paper outlines the development approach followed in creation of music, sound effects and diegetic and non-diegetic sound as well as solving problems. However, for all my projects conducted, I wanted to show my ability to have an open view regarding for the music production and sound effect basically able to express my musical knowledge. If you need assistance with your media dissertation, then do not hesitate to seek media dissertation help.

The Dream sequence, as soon as I started the project, I had a straight idea on what to do and in which direction to to be taken. In my opinion, when I watched it, the idea that I had in mind did not resonate with happy moment so I came up with instruments that give the sensation of sadness and loneliness. I started to create melody with the plugin EXS24. However, when I created what I had in mind, I encounterd problems in developing the chords and melody that I recorded. Nevertheless, I resoluted to adding plugins in attempte to give the melody a sensation of dreaming and virtual reality. Then, I work with volume and automation because I did not want the audio to be too loud right away, so automation helped me achieve the effect I wanted. Additionally, I add sub bass after the reverb because I wanted to attach motionnal aspect despite being unreal. After, I create melody for the suspense here I create melody on violins and then transfer the same melody on different channels but on the beginning it was particularly hard to give a soft impact on the violin. By using a Direction Mixer, it was possible to create the right sound that I want by taking another type of Studio String and some Flutes floating with effects delay, compressor, reverb, and Adapt Limiter. For Outro of the melody, I used a Vocal Transformer and Match Equaliser as effect for more sensitive in that moment because in a movie, the end is the most important part, hence the need to replicate that feelings with music.


The sound effects that I used are Windy forest sound keeping it all the way through to the end of the video and in the beginning I faded it in. Next, the introduction I chose a sound of wild animals like insects on night forest and with the automation, I faded out at the same time, I faded in the others. Then, I wanted all the sounds and melody increased gradually. I solved the problem by creating a master channel with the Automation that increased the volume of all it but without do it one by one. At the end, the result was good but I was unsure whether to include the footsteps of child but I realised that it was perfect without. Nonetheless, I think for the dream sequence I used a non-diegetic sound in the scene when the girl was running to the father preferring to add footsteps because of the moment said and the moment of drama.

In my opinion, the Advert was the most difficult part because I had problems creating Chords melodies and transitions. I created two melodies and Chords but on the beginning, I had an idea on where to start. After I started to compose the melodies, I did not know how to create a music for an Advert. Nevertheless, I started to improvise some melodies and Chords on the keyboards, which I ended up liking so much that I decided to move on something else by changing the sounds of the instruments and chose strings for the introduction instead of the piano.

Subsequently, I started to develop melodies with two different violins one for the intro with an effect reverb and the second one I want to create a battle between the noise mosquito and the man. Nevertheless, at the moment, it was really challenging to replicate a sound but later, after changing instrument severally, I managed to attain an arpeggiator on the chords of the melody regarding to man that I was looking for. After that, I did not know how to make a nice end of the advert, so I continued to find the version that I could possibly find it more interesting.

However, I found the mosquito sound and the sound of man moving the newspaper to catch the mosquito the hardest part because initially there was no sound similar so I had to create the list for the moving parts as well as the sounds. Broadly, I took some newspapers and magazines and tried to find a sound similar that of a mosquito buzzing in the air then record it with microphone at home. For some time, I had recreate severally the sound in order to capture exactly what I wanted regarding the diegetic sound.

On the sound effects aspects, I did not create many because I wanted to show more of melody aspect and instrumental than the effects. The shower effect demanded more work because it had to capture the fade out forcing bouncing and reversing the sound so as to be able to create sound inverse depicting someone closing the shower and come out from it.

The Documentary titled ‘the Women Who Kill the Lions’ was particularly interesting because it I delved directly into production. I had to produce different scenes of the documentary. However, the scene that had particular interest to me was ending because of the bringing together different sounds. At first, I had to search or make sounds but most turned out being unsatisfactory. Nonetheless, I opted for canon sound that is considerably more powerful and loud. Additionally, I found the reloading of the rifle cultivating with great sound effects and even melody. However, I had to cut out many part due to effect waste and melody used for face out before looping the three parts and pasting then adding equaliser. Lastly, I added bounce effect.

Chords and melody stay simple but I preferred to increase more on the effect and prepared sound in different part as if we are in a cinema: as instrument violins and electric piano. However, this time because the documentary in the Savana grassland, I introduced the African percussion as suspense. The little problems I encountered for this project was matching the sound effect with the tempo of the video. As a solution, with the transpose and tempo, I slowed the scenes when necessary. However, picture sound was challenging because every time that I opened some of the sound, I could find they were not on the point that I expected but I resolved with a function of block the position of the sound.

The last project that I am going to talk about is the Video Game. For this project, I chose Video Game of Assassin’s Creed. This last part of the project was time intensive spanning from findings actual video game taking more than 6 hours. I did not know how to cut the video game because I was used to working with a movie. From the beginning, I had problems with application so I did it with QuickTime player from the first 2 minutes of the video and there I started working on it straight by adding sound effects as background noise of people, foots steps on more. Particularly for this project, there were even more effects. For example, when there is some conflict, argument, or fights in the game scene it called for more than one sound effect to be added. As such, as in the footage, I added some sword sounds effects. However, replicating the sound was a bit difficultly so I had find loops, cut, and paste in addition to working with marquee tool in order to create the right match of all the sound together. For instance, the sound effects from different fighters to be distinctive when they strike each other.

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For melodies, I get inspired by Assassin’s Creed movie and from the TV series Game of thrones. In the beginning, I wanted to take same version of it but after I listened to same melodies of different notes, I decided to give music sound effects for suspense particularly given that the game setting is taken from the Middle Ages. As such, the melody taken aimed at cultivating the setting and action of the scene but care is need for appropriateness of the melody.

When I started to look at which sounds I could possibly take or consider for “diegetic and non-diegetic sound, I was quite lost because there are a lot of sound effect in the game. In the end, I consider diegetic sound for the games to be more appropriate because there are many characters that needed moving sound.

In all my projects, I wanted to show the ability to create and produce my best work. This is reflected to both topics that I am deeply passionate about and those that I have little interest in but for the benefits of large population and people that might have interest in such videos as well as respective sound effects. In the master channel, I added a linear equalizer, a compressor, space designer, and the adapt Limiter because to harmonise the sounds effects and mixing different parts to form a smooth and gentle transition and continuation through video editing, creation, and production.

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