Corporate Culture Conflicts in India


The subsequent research proposal is oriented towards the exploration of the multiplicity of factors which are entailed by the overarching research topic of corporate culture and associated conflicts within the multinational organisations of India. The topic primarily indicates the incidences of active disagreement between employees of Indian multinational organisational employees who could be actively disposed towards opposing principles, ideas or opinions. In this context, the corresponding research proposal would be deliberative about a sequential and stage based progression through multiple undertakings. At the initial stage, the research proposal would determine the relevant research background with particular emphasis on the delineation of the justification of selecting such a research topic. Next, the research rationale would be highlighted in the form of providing an effective account of the relevance of the research issue. Furthermore, the research objectives and inquests formulated on the basis of such objectives would be demonstrated. The evaluative appraisal of existing and relevant research literature would be undertaken to determine the various evidence based and authenticated thematic constructs which could be utilised for the purpose of lending credence to and supporting the research hypotheses in the most consummate and accurate manner. The research methodology section would be delineative of the outlines of research methods which could be utilised in the future research undertakings in future concerning data collection and analysis responsibilities. This would be entailing the different phases of the research performance including the determination of research philosophy and design methods as well as the selection of the appropriate research approach. Further, the processes involving data collection and analysis techniques as well as the related research resource population sampling mechanism would be explained in detail. At the finalised phase of the research proposal, the discussion would be delving into the formulation of an estimated and indicative timeline through which the entire future research undertaking would be expected to progress. This would be accompanied with the representation of expected research issues and limitations such as research ethics maintenance and secondary data collection related accessibility factors.

Research Background

As per the opinion of Anitha (2016), the essentiality of obtaining a proper understanding of the beliefs, values and assumptions which underscore the corporate culture in India is paramount from the perspective that such corporate cultural constituents manifest themselves within the general working processes as well as in the market based performance demonstration by the associated Indian corporate organisations. Thus, the factor of workplace based conflicts getting transpired out of conflicting corporate cultural approaches within the working architecture of any businesses entity has been a consistent complication which the corporate managerial personnel have had to grapple with in terms of ensuring the essential success achievement within the existing market conditions within India. According to Aziz, Ansari and Alam (2019), managerial personnel within the Indian corporate scenario have to devote up to 40% of their working time to as to ensure that the existing and emergent interpersonal conflicts between the employees, including those which stem from misunderstandings and intemperate behavioural expressions, could be resolved. This could be comprehended as the primary indication of the element of counter productivity within the Indian corporate workplaces which exacerbates the employee skill and productivity management responsibilities of business process managers. Thus, this fundamental problem of corporate culture based conflict existence, influencing greatly the process of organisational performance outcomes, remains to be the contentious stumbling block to be managed for the ensuring of business objectives. According to Barak (2016), the Indian companies which have comparatively greater number of alumni within the workplaces have been actively endeavouring to develop different methods to minimise corporate culture based workplace conflicts. Thus, Barnham (2015) has observed that as against the start-ups and MSMEs, organisations such as the mid-sized, large companies and, especially, the legacy companies currently operating within the Indian secondary and tertiary sectors exhibit greater inclination towards resort to number directed selection of employees and this practice is symbolic of eschewing the assessment of the intricacies associated with assessment regarding the probability of emergence of such interpersonal conflicts in future which, could, influence the effective productivity progression within the business context. To this effect, the background of the study could be understood to be the imperative of better understanding development associated with the dynamics of corporate culture so that the managerial personnel of the respective business organisations could be less prone to become befuddled, anxious and irrational while having to encounter the differential and often purportedly irrational behavioural outcomes of organisational employees on the interpersonal working spectrum.


Research Rationale

What is the issue?

According to Biswas, Garg and Singh (2016), the issue pertaining to the corporate culture and associated conflicts within the Indian business communities could be, from a collective perspective, be considered to have stemmed from the interplay of diversified socioeconomic, personal, institutional and ideological as well as behavioural orientations. This is primarily indicative of a dynamic process involving psychological and procedural as well as cultural and social forces and values within the organisational architecture. Thus, the issue could be reiterated as the identification of the points of contention in the interpersonal domain within the corporate working conditions of India and the measure through which the outcomes of such contention could emerge as interpersonal conflict between different employees at the Indian corporate sector.

Why is it an issue?

As per the observations of Westermann-Behaylo, Rehbein and Fort (2015), the appositeness and significance of this issue could be understood to be the adverse impact such conflicts could have on the overall process of management of human resource based productivity within the overall business organisations of India. At the core of such contention, as has been outlined by Chaudhri (2016), is the fact factor of spoiling of human relationships caused by the interpersonal conflicts which could be either exacerbated or could be left ill suited to be provided with any sustaining and enduring resolution by the concurrent organisational corporate culture. The direct implication of such an issue within the Indian corporate cultural spectrum is thus overtly observable as spawning out hindrances to the professional competence and productivity utilisation of the existing human resources. This could thus be countenanced as the core purpose and motivation concerning selection of this particular topic for future research.

Why is it an issue now?

Creswell and Poth (2017) have outlined that it is fundamentally essential to formulate and sustain effective, beneficial and enduring human relationships within the Indian corporate sector since the growth of the associated business enterprises are incumbent upon the success and potency of inter-organisational and interpersonal business relationships within the intensely competitive and increasingly global market oriented business scenario of India. This consequently depends upon the determination of the most efficacious measure of ensuring interpersonal exchange of norms, traits and cultural values within the corporate organisational working frameworks and then, on the development of the specific corporate cultural dispensations through which such interpersonal collaboration could be perpetuated. Deephouse, Newburry and Soleimani (2016) have highlighted the objective of this process to be the obtainment of a shared, comparatively new, modern and hybrid corporate culture. The underscoring constituent is the instituting of procedural innovations for efficiency and equity management within the organisational corporate structure. However, development of any corporate culture at various junctures of business operations in India, specifically during the merger of different firms, could be plagued by the certain perceptual misconceptions such as overestimation of the performance measures associated with such firms and these could culminate in the attribution of decreasing performance extents of the organisational human resources in such Indian companies. There are various other emergence points of conflictive situations as well which exacerbate the situations which have to be managed by business process managers. In this context, Gontier (2018) has specified that the current relevance of the research topic could be understood in the context of formulation of a corporate cultural framework within the Indian companies so that these organisations could be summarily set apart from the one another through the development of their performances. This has gained greater traction in terms of the fact that India has turned out to be the one of the most significant offshore outsourcing centres in the world. This has culminated in the generation of the successive waves of economic transformations in the global context where India has been proven to be the location where growth and development of information technology, business processes outsourcing and various value chain management related activities have consistently taken new strides. Thus, the significance of performing to the optimised extent regarding the qualitative management of such services has become a crucial and strategic necessity. Thus, composition of the most successful corporate culture within the Indian business organisations has become paramount in terms of prevention of additional costs, which could arise from the existing interpersonal conflicts between employees of the same company, to the business engagements in India. This decides the measure of negative or positive impact of such business process performance outcomes on the overall earned benefits.

How could this assist in the future research discourses?

According to Graham et al (2017), the measure of response which is generated regarding the resolution of any conflict is fundamental in terms of organisational work process performance progression. This could set any company, which could develop such a corporate culture which could be conducive to the resolution of interpersonal conflicts, apart from the others. Guiso, Sapienza and Zingales (2015) have highlighted that in spite of the fact that professional disagreements are unavoidable between various individuals working in tandem with each other within the Indian corporate scenario, it becomes critical in terms of significance that organisational cultures could considerably influence the frequency of such disagreement between individuals. Thus, any corporate cultural discourse could be only deemed to be effective if the internal conflict resolution style could be considered to be conducive in pointing out the actual constituents which engender the conflicts as well as providing the effective working practices through which least measure of interpersonal conflict could be generated. Thus, future research would thus be deliberative to evaluate multiple aspects of corporate cultural ethos which are prevalent within the Indian business enterprises through the research objectives and the primary and secondary data collection and analysis. The future research would also strive towards shedding better light on the evaluation of the rationale of the diversities and complications associated with instituting organisational cultural changes within the Indian corporate context. Thus, the future research would endeavour to develop better understanding towards the Indian business culture which could guide the respective institutions in their business ventures in India.

Research Objectives

To identify the salient aspects associated with the prevailing corporate culture in India.

To assess the mutual influence of the Indian corporate culture and the associated interpersonal conflict within the respective organisational structures.

To evaluate the extent to which the prevailing corporate culture in Indian business organisations could impact on the resolution of such conflicts in the concurrent business scenarios.

To recommend effective, appropriate and relevant methods of research process progression for the future research projects involving similar subject content.

Research Questions

What are the salient aspects associated with the prevailing corporate culture in India?

What are the mutual influence of the Indian corporate culture and the associated interpersonal conflict within the respective organisational structures?

What is the extent to which the prevailing corporate culture in Indian business organisations could impact on the resolution of such conflicts in the concurrent business scenarios?

What are the effective, appropriate and relevant methods of research process progression for the future research projects involving similar subject content?

Literature Review

According to Hickman and Silva (2018), Indian corporate culture is comprised primarily of the collective individualistic characteristics such as values, behavioural traits and norms of any particular or a group of employees and such corporate cultural context considerably varies in tandem with the differences of the members of such a cultural structures. The corporate cultures of India are also reflective of the principles which serve as the basis on which organisational management systems could be formulated in the form of tangible practices. Such practices, according to Jain (2015), influence the behaviour of the involved human resource personnel. This, in turn, both reinforces and exemplifies the primary principles. In this way, the Indian corporate context lends meaning to the functionalities of organisational employees through practices, principles and behavioural form implementations. The emphasis is primarily of instituting the strategies of change and adaptation while interaction with the working environment could be underway. Meyer and Peng (2016) have outlined that any corporate culture within Indian business enterprises are primarily socially constructed and are based on shared principles. Such organisational culture then percolates through multiplicity of organisational generations and through a plethora of different layers of functionalities. According to Mishra and Kapil (2016), this is primarily associated with the process of identity construction while the interaction between the business environment and the corporate cultural constituents could be underway.

As has been observed by Mishra and Swain (2016), the interpersonal conflicts within the working structural formats of Indian business organisations are predominantly difficult to predict and this extensive measure of ambiguity contributes to the unexpected conditions of the business executives such as human resource managerial personnel who are made accountable for the resolution of such conflicts. Nankervis et al (2016) have determined that the primary difficulty directly stems from the complications associated with the measuring of cultural and individualistic behavioural differences within any corporate cultural setting in India. As has been opined by Weber and Wasieleski (2018), it is next to impossible to undertake generalisations regarding the behavioural traits of the Indian corporate working personnel since India is the seventh largest and second most populous country in the world and this size and population are complemented considerably by the stupendous diversity of the populace and cultural aspects possessed by the nation generally involving multiplicity of different religions, cultural contexts and identities as well as linguistic lineages. According to Naudet and Dubost (2016), the cumulative effect of these is the symbiosis of an intensely complicated spectrum of different individual characteristics which could be found within the Indian corporate domains. Panda, D'Souza and Blankson (2019) have stated that the significance of divergent tendencies of individual behavioural characteristics is related to the IT and other service sector initiatives within India which utilise considerably large numbers of employees spooled from an extensively diversified cultural background. Pereira and Malik (2015) have averred that most of the corporate organisations which have initiated business ventures within India have been categorically oblivious and, in some cases, ignorant of the criticality of such diversifications in the human resource reservoir India and the probability of emergence of complications in terms of work responsibilities and corporate culture synchronisation have been left unattended. Thus, conflicts become inevitable especially when cross-cultural teams are formulated and leadership elements are appointed by the organisational hierarchy. Popli and Rizvi (2015) have highlighted, in this context, the observation that the inaptitude, on part of the organisational management hierarchy, to properly comprehend the critical factors of the organisational culture which could instigate such conflict, has been the primary causality which periodically has exacerbated the hurdles of intercultural differences between the Indian corporate sector employees including team members. According to Pratihari and Uzma (2019), this observation is applicable also in case of teams composed by both Indians and members of other nationalities such as from the United States of America or that of UK. The tangible outcomes, as could be ascertained from the observations of Raina and Roebuck (2016), to be those of employee frustrations and productivity decline. The fundamental challenge is associated with the development of performance capability within any Indian organisation through application of the most effective corporate cultural procedures and practices. According to Ramdhani, Ramdhani and Ainissyifa (2017), this is evidently related to the measure of success associated with the management of myriads of management methods and styles which companies could be necessitated to employ across the functionalities, projects and business operational imperatives which are associated with the Indian corporate landscape. This constitutes the foundations of the existing corporate culture in the Indian business context (Shah, Murphy and McIntosh, 2017). According to Rani and Samuel (2016), corporate culture could be considered to be the contextual procedural variable which influences appropriate functioning of individuals in the most diversified groups. The primary assumptions of corporate culture evolve within a particular context of sequential and procedural functioning. This also operates at the sub-surface levels of awareness and thus, could affect the process of decision formulation when the existing situational context could not be contextualised within the existing perspectives of operational culture which could have evolved previously. In the Indian context, this is the primary rational for the maladaptive practices which are required to be investigated within the spectrum of the future research work (Sinha et al. 2016).

According to Saddler (2017), from the perspective of conflict type inventories, the Thomas & Kilmann conflict mode identification instrument could be utilised to most accurately outline the contours of the conflict situation. Apart from this, the theoretical instrument could be also utilised to assess the effectiveness of any conflict resolution style. As per the specifications of this model, the modes of interpersonal conflict resolution are 5 in number. According to Saha and Kumar 2018) these are Competition, Accommodation, Avoidance, Collaboration and Compromising. In the Indian corporate context, it is possible for the individuals to utilise all or any of the five styles. However, Shah and Rafiq (2019) have been off the opinion that the greater significance is attached with the collaborative approach of conflict resolution to manage the workplace situations successfully. This involves undertaking effective search to determine the root causes of the interpersonal conflicts and then to develop the appropriate solution on the basis of such diagnosis so that the situation could be resolved satisfactorily. In this context, it could be understood that the prevailing organisational culture within the Indian business enterprises determine the utilisation of conflict resolution methods (Strese et al. 2016.). One hypothetical instance could be underlined in the form of greater competition and lesser collaboration to be observed in the corporate disciplines where the responsibilities are to be shouldered on an individual basis without much scope for active collaboration.

Research Method Outline

The research methodology segment of the entire future research project would be indicative of the considerations associated with the utilisation of various methods of research data collection and analysis of the same by the Researcher. This chapter would provide the outline of research requirements which would be essential concerning the progress of the data collection process. This could be considered to be fundamental from the perspective of bringing the future research process to effective culmination. This involves the selection of certain ranges of different methods of to outline the most convenient and suitable data collection mechanisms as well as the process through which sampling of data collection could be selected. This could be extenuated as the endeavour of the Researcher to maintain the clarity, authenticity, accuracy and effectiveness of the entire research context.

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Research Onion

Research Philosophy

There are 3 primary categories of research philosophies through which the research processes are formulated. These are Ontology, Axiology and Epistemology. According to Brown (2015), Epistemology is utilised to recognise the existing reality through the evaluation of the tangible outcomes of direction actions which could be analysed through human experiences. The emphasis is consummately on the prevalence of human intelligence regarding effective application of such a research philosophy. The comprehension of reality surrounding research contexts could be considered to be an artificial construct which could emanate out and be shaped through human perceptions and ideals only. The underlying factors are cognitive psychology of research participants including the researchers and the subjectivised nature of reality. Creswell and Poth (2017) have stated that the theoretical structure of Epistemology is constituted by Pragmatism, Positivism, Realism and Interpretivism. Out of these, Positivism outlines the perspective that observation and examination based knowledge and facts could be considered to be the applicable in any research process. In this context, Barnham (2015) has delineated that the scholarly upgraded explanation of Positivism could be identified as the discourse of Post-Positivism and the Researcher would be utilising this specific discourse in the future research project with the explicit purpose of performing the quantification of the collected research data. This specific research philosophy is reflective of the centrality of the efforts of the individual Researcher in research data collection and interpretation through statistical tools implementation.

Research Philosophy

Research Approach

According to Tjora (2018), the prevalent research approaches concerning any research process are two in number, namely the Inductive and Deductive research approaches. Walliman (2017), have been of the opinion that Deductive approach enables the research process to examine and test the theoretical constructs which could be arrived at through Primary and Secondary data collection. In this context, the future research project would be focusing upon the research data collection through the effective and in-depth evaluation of data and information which could have been obtained through previous researches. It is an ascending research process which assists in the formulation and constitution of the pertinent research hypotheses through the utilisation of Quantitative data analysis outcomes. Thus, the Researcher would be utilising the Deductive research approach in the future research project. According to Woiceshyn and Daellenbach (2018), the strength of this research approach is the centrality of most optimum data and information measures so that relevance, credibility and accuracy could be maintained.

Research Approach

Research Design

The prevalent research design procedures are three in number, such as Explanatory, Exploratory and Descriptive research designs. The research of Nassaji (2015) has suggested that Descriptive research design is oriented towards the investment of effort in research problem and issue resolution so that the research objectives could be achieved. Furthermore, this research design is responsible for effective evaluation of the linkage between the data analysis outcomes and the research hypotheses. Thus, the Descriptive research design would be selected by the Researcher in the future research project.

Research Design

Data Collection and Analysis

The sourcing of research data collection has been decided by the Researcher to be both the Primary and Secondary modes of collection of data and information. The Primary data collection method would be essential regarding the Quantitative data collection method application. Furthermore, the Secondary data sources would be fundamental to the constitution of research literature review.

Data sources

For the purpose of expanding the scope of the future research project, the Researcher would be selecting the Quantitative data collection process. The purpose would be to effectively perform empirical research in context to the selected research topic. The Quantitative data collection and analysis involves the collection and evaluation of numerical and statistical data and presentation of the same through predetermined, particular data representation tools. Thus, Quantitative study application could accurately indicate the proportion of the corporate enterprises within the Indian business context which could be undergoing or could have experienced interpersonal conflict amongst their employees due to the dearth of efficiency of their corporate culture. Thus, investigation of particular facts and information could be better assisted through Quantitative data collection methods. This entails a set of activities which could be highly structured so that the pertinence and accuracy of any research hypothesis could be determined. Gathering numerical data in the form through which such data could be analysed in the most appropriate manner is fundamental to Quantitative data collection. This research method is constituted through experimentation, observation and surveys. Furthermore, Quantitative data collection would be effective regarding the minimisation of the probability of research error involving extensive data inputs which would have to be gathered from the various research participants in the process of such data survey. Emphasis would have to be put on the avoidance of research biases while the survey questionnaire would have to be formulated to be distributed amongst the selected numbers of research inquest respondents. This would necessitate the constitution of focus groups from the entire research population so that the final samples of research respondents could be selected from these. The research participant groups would have to be relatively large so that the possibility of response overlapping and related inadvertent research bias could be avoided.

Data collection methods

The data analytical tools such as the Likert Five Point response scale would be implemented by the Researcher for the purpose of categorisation of the response inputs from research participant samples and to calculate and showcase the pertinent statistical factors such as the mean, median, mode and standard deviation of the data sets. This would be vital for the effective and accurate data analytical outcomes. Statistical outcome demonstration instruments such as charts and graphs would accompany such research processes.

Ethical and Accessibility Issues

Three fundamental ethical principles would be considered by the Researcher in this context. These would be anonymity, confidentiality and consent. Through anonymity of the research identity of research participants, protection of the research participants would be ensured to be protected from any unintended revelation of sensitive information. This could be performed through the measure of confidentiality in the manner of allocation of random research codes to ach of the research participants. To ensure that the participants could consent with all of the aspects of the research, informed consent would be obtained from the research population through communicating to them the implications of the research and the various stages and tools of data collection.

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Research issues

The first research issue could be identified is the maintaining of integrity of the entire data collection process. This could be brought under question regarding variable standardisation which could inadvertently develop within the empirical research process. This could be especially a factor regarding the secondary research where unreliability arising out of the diverging conclusions of different research projects which could have been conducted earlier. The second research issue could be the shortcomings in replication of previously observed conclusions. This could occur if any weight of proper evidence could be missing from the future research conclusions which could relate these with the previously observed research outcomes which are necessitated to be outlined in the research literature review.

Reflective assessment

Through the reflective assessment of mine in formulation of the research project proposal, I could arrive at the realisation that it is always necessary to practice the most flexible planning methods while having to undertake any format of research, including Primary and Secondary data based evaluations. The element of procedural flexibility is significant since the contingent planning could not be always counted upon. Thus, minuteness of approaches is of paramount significance since any research literature review is completely premised upon the significant, effective and relevant information source application. I also have come to realise that research practices have to be consistently supported by evidence based information gathering so the element of authenticity could be maintained in this respect. From a definitive standpoint, while having to undertake the research literature review and determination of the research objectives and the research rationale, I also could perceive the fact that it is of vital importance for the researcher engaged in any form of research process, to develop the most effective and independent ability to think logically. This could assist any such researcher to reflect upon the overall process of collection and evaluation of secondary information so that the existing measure of knowledge and understanding about the research topic under consideration could be enhanced to the optimum extent. Furthermore, I have realised that another effective skill which could assist any Researcher during performing the various stages of research processes is the ability to effectively synthesize the content of studied literature into the thematic constructs which could be related to the research objectives. This could efficaciously ensure that the research orientation could be maintained with the utmost measure of accuracy. The emphasis on supporting the research perspectives, such as the research hypotheses, is also central to the entire effort exerted in this direction. Apart from these, one particular necessity which I have come across during the performance of the above mentioned research process is the capability to perform identification and outlining of the most relevant literary sources from which the Secondary data could be collected for critical evaluation of the same.

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In terms of the ethical considerations which I have had to undertake, the fundamentality of research ethics as the central principles which could as well be considered to be the minimum requirements through which a research project could be guided to culmination. I have realised that the determined ethical standards are to be applied to each of the stages of the research. The ethical considerations such as confidentiality of identity of research participants and obtaining their informed and voluntary consent prior to the commencement of the future Quantitative data collection process are to be considered from the perspectives of experiential and observational research. I realised that such application of such ethical measures are particularly pertinent concerning the acceptability factor management of such an empirical research project. One curious aspect which I have realised that ethical considerations could be influenced externally, for instance, by the professional institutions or academic organisations such as Universities, which could employ or assist any Researcher such as mine, through particularities of respective and published ethical guidelines. However, in general, the ethical codes and guidelines are fundamentally similar in nature.

Reference List

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