Cultural Diversity in Tesco's Workplace

In today's highly modern business world, cultural diversity is one of the most preferred aspects that each organisation wants to maintain in its workplace not only to integrate diverse values, business decision, ideas and viewpoint of employers into one frame but also to bring about innovation as well as creativity in the workforce to grab the strong competitive advantage in international market. although cultural diversity is important for any organisation to cope with the ever-changing marketing platform in modern business world, today's employers face severe conflict and management issues while implementing cultural diversity into workplace. Tesco Plc, the UK based famous supermarket chains although beliefs in maintaining diverse culture in workplace for bringing about innovation and creativity in workforce, its marketers recently face difficulties in implementing the diverse cultural values of its workforce into its workplace due to severe conflict and mismanagement among staffs. Therefore, it is high time dealing with the issues associated with cultural diversity and uses this diverse culture in a positive way to improve the overall productivity of workforce. Through choosing this topic, “ Does Tesco Plc offers cultural diversity in its workplace”, researcher is going to shed light on the possible ways in which an organisation can use as well as implement the cultural diversity into its workplace so effectively that it will assist the company to develop innovative decision-making and creative business strategies that are important to deal with current market trend. Additionally, through choosing this topic, researcher will have strong knowledge of the benefits and limitation that are associated with offering cultural diversity in workplace. by working on this research topic, researcher will be able to have good understanding of how to make business-related researcher projects with meeting all the criteria effectively.

Therefore, it can be stated that selection of the research topic is going to be highly relevant as well as appropriate to develop knowledge and understanding of researcher regarding accomplishment of a business research project. on the other hand, the selected research topic will also assist researcher to determine the current issues faced by today's marketers regarding managing cultural diversity in their workplace.

Research onion:

As mentioned by Saunders et al. (2009), researcher onion is important aspect in any research that demonstrate key stages of that research that are associated with successful completion of research study. In this study, the researcher will conduct the entire research in six stages or parts are represented in below mentioned research onion diagram. These six parts are philosophies, choice, strategies, approaches, time horizon and effective processes and techniques.

Research Onion

Literature review:

According to Mateescu (2017), cultural diversity is important in modern business world, that assists the entire organisation to make effective integration of diverse culture of its staffs who belong to diverse communities, education background, race, religion, ethnicity and country. Tesco Plc offers cultural diversity with highly diverse staffs in its workforce. The marketers of Tesco Plc take this cultural diversity in workforces as the positive strength of this company that provides an opportunity to this company to have shared-decisions and value sharing process that assist employers to develop highly innovative as well as relevant marketing and business strategies. on the contrary Lambert (2016) argued that, although cultural diversity plays important roles in enhancing workforce productivity, if the company failed to manage the diversity effectively then it can lead to severe mismanagement and conflict among staffs. globalisation provides opportunity to candidates from different education background, religions, country, community and ethnicity join Tesco Plc, that enhance the level of diversity in its workforces day-by-day, which somehow is getting quite difficult to be managed by employers of Tesco Plc. In this context, Ozgen et al. (2017) mentioned that a high level of cultural diversity in a workplace makes its difficult fir et employers build proper collaborative workforces. Recently, Tesco Plc faces the issues of mismanagement, opinion mismatches and conflict among staffs due to their diverse thoughts, decision and viewpoints. On the contrary, Tompos and Ablonczy-Mihályka (2018.) argued that sometimes cultural diversity leads to the development of bias and discrimination in workplace tt interfere with integrity and ethics of organisation. In Tesco Plc, many staffs belonging to minority community are reported to have faced buy and bias in having employment benefits and workplace advantages. Additionally, employers in Tesco Plc faces severe issues in managing and integrating diverse values, decision and viewpoint f different staffs in workforces as there are many old and senior staffs who are obstinate to establish individual goals rather than focusing on common organisational goals by sharing decisions, viewpoints and thoughts with other staffs. as stated by Allen (2017), for managing cultural diversity in workforces, organisation needs to relevant strategies that will be highly appropriate to the common goals of that company. although Tesco faces issues in implementing cultural diversity in its workplace, the marketers recently have taken innovative strategies to overcome these issues. The strategies are integrating diversity principles, communicating with staffs, evaluating the changes due to implementation of cultural diversity, developing risk-assessment framework in managing the change, consulting with managers and staffs and conducting diversity awareness program.


Research methodology:

In this section, the researcher will use research onion in terms of demonstrating the overall parts or stages through which the research study will go to meet its desired objectives. There are six different layers that are represented by research onion such as research philosophy, research approaches, research strategies, choices, time horizon (Gantt Chart) and research techniques and procedures (data collection and data analysis). In this study, the researcher will discuss each layer of research onion comprehensively to provide the descriptive as well as clear views of the entire procedures through which the research will be accomplished. Following is the description of each layer that is going to be used by researcher while starting the research study,

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Research philosophy:

There are mainly three types of research philosophies such as positivism, post-positivism and interpretivism. Here researcher is going to apply positivism philosophy that will be relevant to the type of study. Through using positivism, the research will be able to gather real and scientific data that are based on a real event and experiments thereby assisting this study to maintain the authenticity of research. on the other hand, interpretivism is not selected in this study as this philosophy is entirely based on the school of thoughts and assumption but not have any link with real event. Therefore, interpretivism is highly irrelevant to this study. On the other hand, post-positivism will also be not selected by researcher as it is based on critical analysis of observation rather than collecting experimental and real-event data.

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Research approach:

Mainly two types of approaches are there in any research study including deductive and inductive approach. deductive apparat I based on existing models and theories. on the hand inductive approach is based on developing a new hypothesis or models. Here, researchers will use deductive approach that is expected to be highly effective for the study in terms of using huge ranges of existing models and theories to analyse the collected data on cultural diversity in Tesco workplace. On the other hand, inductive approach is rejected by researcher to apply in this study as it would be highly difficult for researcher to invent new models or hypothesis for the research topic.

Research design:

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Mainly three types of research designs are there in any research study. In this study, the researcher will use descriptive design, as it will assist researcher to make comprehensive as well as clear discussion on data collected from respondents. The descriptive design will also assist the researcher to analyse and evaluate the statistical and qualitative database in terms of meeting research objectives and aims.

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Data collection:

There are two types of data collection process including primary and secondary data collection. Here the researcher will use primary data collection process, in which data are collected directly from respondents. on the other hand, in secondary data collection process, database is collected from secondary sources such as article, magazine, books and journals. Justification f choosing primary data collection method in the study is that, through the process, research will be able to collect authentic and valid raw database directly from respondents that will enhance the integrity and authenticity of this research.

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Reference list:

Allen, B.J., 2017. Diversity. The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication, pp.1-11.

Celikdemir, D.Z. and Katrinli, A., 2020. Efficient Diversity Management for Workplace Well-Being. The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Well-Being, pp.1-22.

Gottardello, D., 2019. Diversity in the workplace: a review of theory and methodologies and propositions for future research. Sociologia del lavoro.

Joubert, Y.T., 2017. Workplace diversity in South Africa: Its qualities and management. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 27(4), pp.367-371.

Lambert, J., 2016. Cultural diversity as a mechanism for innovation: Workplace diversity and the absorptive capacity framework. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 20(1), p.68.

Li, C.R., Lin, C.J., Tien, Y.H. and Chen, C.M., 2017. A multilevel model of team cultural diversity and creativity: The role of climate for inclusion. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 51(2), pp.163-179.

Mateescu, M.V., 2017. Cultural diversity in the workplace-discourse and perspectives. Modelling the New Europe. An On-line Journal, (24), pp.23-35.

Mousa, M., Massoud, H.K. and Ayoubi, R.M., 2020. Gender, diversity management perceptions, workplace happiness and organisational citizenship behaviour. Employee Relations: The International Journal.

Ozgen, C., Nijkamp, P. and Poot, J., 2017. The elusive effects of workplace diversity on innovation. Papers in Regional Science, 96, pp.S29-S49.

Tompos, A. and Ablonczy-Mihályka, L., 2018. The sustainability of cultural diversity in the workplace: Cultural values and intercultural mindset. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 7(1), pp.298-298.

Velten, L. and Lashley, C., 2018. The meaning of cultural diversity among staff as it pertains to employee motivation. Research in Hospitality Management, 7(2), pp.105-113.

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