Cultural Diversity Management at McDonald's

1.0 Introduction

The paper is all about the management of cultural diversity at the workplace in McDonalds. McDonalds is situated in California, USA and is focused on fast food chains production and manufacturing. The management of employees and the stakeholders in an organization has become a concern in today's world and is required to be seen properly by the management and the human resource available in the organization. The attributes and behavior in McDonalds are being seen and analysed by the human resource only. A qualitative and quantitative analysis is being done according to the data collected by the primary method here in this paper.

2.0 background of company

McDonalds is the biggest player in the supply and production of fast food and also in terms of restaurants. They use their organization culture in order to attract their customers to their organization. They are global organizations and are based on providing efficient food products and comfort to their customers. They are serving around 69 millions customers that are living in around 119 countries in the world. Due to their good business structure and proper infrastructure, it can be said that they have an efficient workforce. Concept of franchise led their business to grow and gain a good hold in the market. They are focusing on serving their customers with proper services, product range and a continuous quality product to be initiated by them. The cultural diversity at McDonalds is an efficient one and thus leads to a good growth in their business (Howse, 2018). Tradition, values and habits of McDonalds are being defined to their audience here in this case and the way to influence the customers that are available for them. They are focused on encouraging their organizational culture and to gain good business efficiency. The corporate culture is to be understood properly ro the better market and business aspect regarding McDonalds here.


3.0 Research questions

What is McDonalds doing to manage the diversity in their organization?

What are the value systems of employees so that they can affect McDonalds performance?

What are the issues of cultural diversity in McDonalds?

What are the tools used by McDonalds to control the workforce diversity and distinctions?

4.0 Purpose of study

This study is based on analysing the cultural diversity existing in McDonalds organization. The issues regarding the organization and the management process for this organization is to be studied in this research properly. A proper guidelines for embracing workplace cultural diversity is also defined in this paper easily.

5.0 Literature Review

The workforce diversity in the organization McDonalds is being analyzed in this paper. Thus for this one background and conceptual study is being conducted in the following. Moreover proper information regarding this issue is gained by this study. Different author's theoretical model concepts are also being analysed in this paper for other proper analysis of issues in this report.

5.1 conceptual framework

The conceptual framework defines that diversity is one of the important aspects in Mcdonalds or any other organization that is required to be managed properly. If this is managed by the HR or the managers in the organization properly then a proper innovative idea and a great concept for other business can be achieved easily for the organization. Laws are present to protect and safeguard the interest of those employed in the organization. Thus a broad perspective can be drawn by this research regarding the guidelines for maintaining diversity in organization.

According to Hite, 2018 the diversity in the workplace in McDonalds is being analysed properly so that proper analysis of business is possible here. Globalization and workforce demographic that can be an organizational concern can be easily understood here properly. A proper focus on human resource management is given according to the theoretical review of the author here. The author is successful in defining that the organizational ethics can be maintained properly by removing the differences among the employee and the workers that are available in the organization. Thus the reason for learning the diversity management in organization can be understood here easily and yet there are challenges for the diversity management in organization.

By Moore, 2017 an integrated workplace collaborative work can be initiated by the help of the human resource available in the organization. The fundamentals for workforce diversity are to be understood properly in this case. A sociological explanation is required for the proper analysis of the materials and the resources that are available. Human resource management model is to be presented so that the organization can present their workforce in an ethical way and can manage their cultural values easily. The workplace diversity management is also to be demonstrated by the help of the author here in this case. Proper application of workplace diversity management is to be understood here in this case easily. Valuing the workforce climate, environment, and developing the human resources can be helpful one for the organization in order to encourage the ethical workforce. Thus in this process a different human resource model is to be understood properly for the successful enhancement of the organization.

According to the author in this case the diversity and its importance is being discussed for the benefit of the firm. The diverseless environment enables good communication in the workspace so that they can reap a proper benefit. Fairness and discrimination perspective here determines the way orgzaition can comply with the laws, but they dont benefit from the diversity of the organization. Integration and the learning procedure in the workspace determine that the whole organization and the employees can be benefited if they have the proper knowledge regarding the management procedure of diversity. The diversity is such a criteria that can influence the whole culture and climate of the workforce and also can be engaging as well as discouraging the whole organization for work. Innovative capability can be one of the processes that can be gained if diversity is removed and the whole organization can be working together with their collaborative ideas.

5.2 theory and model

A number of theoretical aspects does exist in the proper definition of the cultural diversity in the organizations. In a similar way cognitive diversity hypothesis is one of the theoretical views that is successful in suggesting multiple perspectives that can be responsible for the storming of cultural differences in organization. Various research is successful in describing that the diversity has nothing to do with the relationship with the individuals in the organization while others do have this relationship with the group. A close look at positive or negative identification can be seen from this theoretical model. This cognitive diversity is generally a difference between the team members and the characteristics they express in the organization. Physical diversity such as race, age or sex are a part of distinction and diversity in the organization. These are thus required to be removed by the help of collaboration between the members in the organization (, 2020,).

The other theory is social identity theory that can be useful for holding different individual preferences that are responsible for understanding the negative aspect of this cultural diversity. Social identity theory defines that when someone comes into contact with another person that are categorization starts and thus due to this categorization many people have to suffer. While in group favors the majority of them will be hired and will be rewarded instead of minorities.

This similarity attraction theory describes the negative aspect that the organization has to suffer due to this cultural diversity (, 2019). It suggests that most of the employees belonging to different diversities quit their jobs due to many distinctions and thus the organization suffers and bears a loss of proper employees. The justification suppression model can also be helpful in the identification of the individuals and their acts in organization. This theory describes various circumstances that people face in which the prejudice people might act properly. An experience of conflict of views and emotions can be seen when prejudices against a certain group is experienced (, 2020).

6.0 research methodology

The research methodology explains the types of methods and processes to complete this research work. As the research is about the cultural diversity of McDonald's the best way to complete the research and get correct information is primary data collection method.

6.1 research process

The primary data collection was done by visiting stores of McDonald's and absorbing the workplace and the cultural diversity of the company. The data has been collected with a quantity method which denotes survey of cultural diversity. The survey will help to measure and identify the pattern of the organization and conclude the results of the research. The data collection method for this research is quantitative and qualitative as the research consists of surveys and experiments. The experiment with the workplace culture has been done to have accurate information for this research purposes (Gao, H., 2018). The observation was done for the purpose of research on the different locations of the McDonald's stores.

6.2 issues to research

The research is done on quantitative and qualitative methods but the research does not have questionnaires and thus the research is completely based on the personal viewpoint of the researchers. The research does not consist of the personal interviews of the employees which could have stated a better view for the research.

6.3 Research onion

The research onion is composed of different methodology of information collection. The data collection and analysis is being seen to be the first part involved here. Content data analysis is seen to be involved here as the prime section here. Cross sectional area is the next part to be thought of here in this section. The mono qualitative methodology is involved here in the research method. Then the interview and inductive methodology are seen to be involved in the next section. These are required to be involved in this section after research methodology. The interpretive is the final step to be involved in the research onion for the completion of this methodology.

Research onion

7.0 discussion

7.1 discussion of result

This section consists of main discussion regarding the questions related to the research and also the objectives that this research aims at. The results are based on the primary research that was done. From the research it is evident that diversity is not a good concept to be applied in the organization as it will lead to loss of the organization only. McDonalds is such an organization that works in a collaborative manner with the employees and the managers that are available in the company. It is evident that the organization must focus on promoting collaboration and teamwork for the successful working in the organization. It is also found that various challenges arise due to this diversity in the workspace. Thus competitive advantage, affect on social belief and many other negative effects are seen due to this cultural diversity. According to the answers of interviews and questions the minor aspects are seen to be working according to the diversity in culture and for the organization. Moreover the recommendations in order to maintain the peace and promote a collaborative working that is easily evaluated by the interviews and questions asked. Role of cultural diversity in the performance of organization is defined by the research done. Also the proper effect of this one in McDonalds organization is being understood here properly.

7.2 Recommendations

The research is done with efficient process and all the possible ways to accumulate the information needed to complete the research of diversity training of culture among the employee. However there are few recommendations for the research and they are as follows

The organisation has good management of human capital and the retention rate is also good but the training period is comprehensive which can be changed with providing awards as the appreciation of diversity in the firm (Botika, A., 2018).

McDonald has a standard recruitment base but that is not enough for the organisation to achieve their objectives. The recruitment process must ensure the cultural diversity.

The firm can provide training in different languages where the people are comfortable in that particular language (Crowley, 2019). If the employees are trained in their own language they will understand better and thus the cultural diversity will be managed and their weakness can be identified to train them better.

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6.0 Conclusion

The workforce culture, diversity and the social differences analysis in McDonalds is being conducted in this report. Thus it can be concluded that the diversity and the culture is an important aspect of the business and marketing for mcDonalds here in this report. Issues and challenges in McDonald regarding the diversity and culture are also understood properly. Thus for competitive advantages among different organizations is also being analysed in this research.

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Reference List

Hite, L.M. and McDonald, K.S., 2018. Perspectives on HRD and diversity education. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 12(3), pp.283-294.

Moore, K., McDonald, P. and Bartlett, J., 2017. The social legitimacy of disability inclusive human resource practices: the case of a large retail organisation. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(4), pp.514-529.

Howse, E., Hankey, C., Allman-Farinelli, M., Bauman, A. and Freeman, B., 2018. ‘Buying Salad Is a Lot More Expensive than Going to McDonalds’: Young Adults’ Views about What Influences Their Food Choices. Nutrients, 10(8), p.996.

Gao, H., 2018. Cross-cultural management strategies of McDonald’s in France-based on a multimodal discourse analysis of three print advertisements. IJASSH.

Botika, A., 2018. Ethnic Diversity Management in Companies: Research on Diversity in Finland’s Startup Environment.

Crowley, S.L., Hinchliffe, S. and McDonald, R.A., 2019. The parakeet protectors: understanding opposition to introduced species management. Journal of environmental management, 229, pp.120-132.

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