Ensuring Patient Safety: The Importance of Aseptic Technique in Operating Rooms

Theme of the project:

Using aseptic technique is crucial in operating room for protecting contamination from pathogens:


Background of the project:

Aseptic technique is process and practice that is used in operating room to protect surgical wound from the contamination by different pathogens such as bacteria and virus. Healthcare staffs are obliged to use the aseptic technique in operating rooms, clinics and outpatient care centres in terms of reducing the chances of infection in the surgical wound. The aim of using aseptic technique in the operating room is to isolate the operating rooms from the non-sterile outside environment for avoiding risk of contamination of surgical wound by pathogens. For students seeking guidance in this particular area of the field, mastering aseptic techniques is said to be an essential component of their healthcare dissertation help.

Reason behind choosing the project:

In recent years, many patients die to infection in their wounds after operation. The reason behind this is lack of proper infrastructure using aseptic technique as well as sterilised instrument while conducting the operation. Moreover, in most of the cases nurses and healthcare staffs are not properly skilled in using aseptic techniques and handling medical instrument in proper manner that will protect the wound from contamination by pathogens. Therefore, death and severe health issues due to pose-surgery infection is common incident in clinical field. By choosing this topic, researcher can highlight importance of the using aseptic technique in operating room in front of healthcare staffs, health professional and patients, In addition to this, the topic will also assist researcher to enhance the concern of healthcare board to look into the overall issues and take necessary step to make it obligatory for all healthcare staffs and health professional to use aseptic technique in the operating room.


Aim of this research is to highlight the importance of using aseptic technique in the operating room.

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How the aim will be achieved:

By using relevant resources, the researcher will be able to analyse that why using aseptic technique inside the operating room is important. In addition to that, through discussing different themes with using relevant evidences, researcher shed light on the harmful impact on both the healthcare staffs as well as on patient for not using the aseptic technique in the operating room.

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