The Transformative Impact of Technology on Contemporary Workforce Dynamics


There remains no secret that technology is seen to create an evident impact on the current workforce. The way people work and the duration of the same is greatly influenced by a series of technical interventions. Understanding the pros and cons of technology will be important for the potential job seeker, employer and supervisor in the present workforce. As stated by Hughes et al. (2019), the efficiency and speed of the way people work is greatly influenced by technology. The basic task of note-taking and brainstorming gained an innovative approach because of the advent of technology offers avenues for business dissertation help. due to the advent of technology. The implication of the technology can be rightly reflected through a meeting 15 years ago taking place among three to four people in a conference room; however, the same meeting can be carried out over video call (Thalmann et al. 2018). The act of brainstorming and sharing of relevant ideas two decades ago is linked with sharing of notes to make sure that everyone’s idea is recorded. In the age of technology, simple technical intervention such as GoogleDocs can help multiple individuals take notes all at once. The level of interaction between the business and employees is greatly influenced due to the advent of technology. However, Walker and Hong (2017) argued the fact that a meeting in person is an important requirement for few business transactions. Video conferencing through the use of various chat boxes and Skype gives people an ability to gain face to face interaction with fellow employees. As influenced by Gronseth and Hutchins (2019), technology has allowed people to be in more than one place at a single time, enhancing the ability to interact with people within a specific network. The research in the mentioned context works on underpinning the possible implementation of technology in enhancing the level of efficacy at the workplace. The research works on a deductive approach, the possible understanding that technology creates an evident and positive impact on the business process need not be understated. In similar regards, it is important to understand that technology provides a competitive edge to the business (Stan et al. 2020).

The research embraces a steady pace and works on understanding the ways technology can work on enhancing the level of productivity. The research in the mentioned case works on analysing the previous research literature and the ways technology has worked in improvement of modern workforce. The research additionally works on providing a suitable and systematic understanding about the exact methods that can be applied in understanding the exact ways the research can be conducted. It is for the same reason; the research plans to carry out quantitative studies and plans to make use of surveys for collecting the required data. Finally, the proposal is backed up by a strong conclusion that restates the whole perspective of the research and the conclusive evidence that supports the proposal.



To understand the impact of technology at workplace

To evaluate the importance of technology and the ways it can be implemented to enhance workplace efficiency

To recommend better possible use of technology for increasing workplace efficiency

Literature review

Technology and modern workplace

As per the study conducted by Stan et al. (2020), the type of technology being used in the workplace is varied. The latest workplace related technologies are driven by event programming and augmentation of intelligence and automation. All the technologies mentioned are leveraged to improve the business processes for enhancing the level of employee productivity and experience. As stated by Morash-Macneil, Johnson, F. and Ryan (2018), organizations should make use of both common and sophisticated technologies for enhancing their business performance. Through the implementation of technological optimism as chosen theory, it can be clearly seen that the growing number of technical interventions can work on enhancing the level of sustainability at the workplace (Trede et al. 2017).

Thus, it can be conclusively stated that modern technology can be used for enhancing the activities such as communication and storage. Hence, the technology can be termed as the independent research variable and the impact on the workplace pertaining to efficacy can be termed as dependent variable. As stated by Brougham and Haar (2018), technology helps in keeping the business fully organized, systems like project management are used to build, review and share tasks on a single platform. The modern workplace is seen to have innovative software and products to boost the increasing level of efficiency and workflow (Riddell and Song, 2017).

In similar regards, the aspect of cloud gained immense importance in terms of technology as it provides space to store relevant data that can be used for better business performance. However, Saeed et al. (2019) argued the possible drawbacks of implementing technology at the workplace. Technology changes on a frequent basis, bringing about a change in systems and programs that would often demand upgrades. Nevertheless, a frequent upgrade often consumes a lot of time and expenses, causing potential hindrance to the business. As supported by Yin et al. (2018), dependency is highly increased due to implementation of technology. If the system is subjected to technical glitch the whole business comes to a stop, until the issue is resolved. In addition to that, a new technology brings on a new learning process leading to loss of time and productivity (Lane et al. 2017). Finally, if technology is termed as the core of business, it is almost impossible to get anything done outside the office premises (Whelan et al. 2018). However, companies willing to gain a competitive edge need to encourage creativity and innovation through the access of technology for creative and useful strategy for increasing efficacy. Having the newest technology available can encourage healthy competition and help the business gain competitive advantage. As stated by Yoder and Mattheis (2018), from a spatial perspective, technology can enhance the level of flexibility

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Role of technology in current scenario

Roughly 3.7 billion individuals make use of the internet and the global traffic is predicted to grow seven times from 2018 to 2025 (Payne et al. 2019). The figures reinstate the fact that end users are spending more time on the internet. As stated by Griffiths,Bowen and Hinze (2017), technology has taken centre stage and it can be easily perceived that an innovative approach has taken over the way people live and work. It is clear that continuous shifts in workplace related technology enhanced the development of cloud based technology and use of mobile phone related devices. As stated by Zivnuska et al. (2020), there remains a direct connection between benefits of social collaborative work and workplace related innovation


There remains no way to avoid the increasing implementation of technology in the workplace. There remain few inevitable disadvantages to the trend that implements technology at work; so it is better to accept it and focus on the positive advantages that are brought about through the same. The presence of motivated employees makes the implementation of technology a smooth approach to be followed. Thus, it can be conclusively stated it is important for the employees to take up proactive measures to ensure that the implementation of technology is seamless

Literature gap

There remains no dearth of literature stating the importance of technology within the workplace. However, there remains limited evidence to evaluate the extent of impact of the modern workplace related technology. The growing body of evidence suggests the fact that there remains scope of implementation of technology of better work operations



The methodology technique will be explored for gaining a clear understanding on the ways a research needs to be placed. It is the most significant piece of investigation study. The technique is the hypothetical, coherent investigation of the methodologies which is useful to the ground of the examination. The segment will investigate the sorts of research strategies which are utilized to fortify the exploration so as to gather information. The quantitative research technique will be utilized to finish the exploration procedure. This examination will utilize positivism to inquire about way of thinking, deductive research approach and exploratory research plan (Bryman and Bell, 2015).

Research method

Quantitative research strategy will be used in the investigation to finish the procedure of research. The quantitative research strategy is the composed investigation of wonders by gathering quantifiable information and playing out the measurable, computational or scientific method. This exploration strategy highlights estimation of goal and the numerical, scientific, or factual examination of information gathered by studies, surveys, and surveys, or by working the former measurable records utilizing computational method (Fletcher, 2017). The fundamental focal point of the quantitative research technique is to collect numerical data and disentangling data across gatherings of people or to light up a particular event. This sort of research strategy manages rationale, number, and a goal pose. The primary focal point of the quantitative research technique is perpetual and numeric data and complete, joined thinking rather than various intellectual (Flick, 2015). The data of the quantitative research strategy is constantly numerical and the data will be dissected by centering factual and numerical technique. This technique for inquiring about depends on a trust wherein things can be estimated and estimated reliably. The aftereffect of this exploration technique can be shown in tables, outlines, diagrams, and different arrangements which is empowering for the predominant clarification. Right now, numerical data can be spoken to as increasingly dependable and sound particularly to civil servants, leader and policymakers

Research design

It is the set up of the procedure and methods which are used in amassing and assessing the procedures of factors which are measured in the issue of research. Research configuration is the system which is built up to recognize the appropriate responses of research questions. There are different research plans used by the investigation (Humphries, 2017). This particular investigation can utilize exploratory research configuration to finish the examination. This structure is coordinated for the troublesome that has not been investigated all the more clearly, imagined to set up significance, set up viable depictions and build up the exploration procedure (Patten and Newhart, 2017). Exploratory research configuration has adaptability and versatility to change and it is a viable research configuration in setting the support which will prompt future research. This structure can theoretically spare time and different assets by compelling the previous phases of research. The focal point of this examination configuration is on the finding of ways of thinking and understanding as not the same as gathering factually precise data (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). This examination configuration has started with a general thought and uses exploration as the system to perceive issues which can be the point of future research. The goals of exploratory research configuration are to give more information to look into about the issue of research and exact the detailing of the examination issue.


Philosophy can be termed as the core of the research methodology. In study, reasoning alludes to the development of mindfulness and nature of data. It is the particular technique for creating information which investigates the philosophical worldview. This comprehension and improvement of information relies upon specific presumptions which depend on the thought during choosing the subject of research (Smith, 2015). Positivism inquiring about way of thinking is appropriate for this particular research because the quantitative research strategy has chosen to finish the exploration. Positivism inquires about ways of thinking that are difficult to investigate in a brief and precise way. This way of thinking depends on information which control is the main strategy to obtain sureness. It is an exceptionally organized technique to inquire about. The data can be gathered from enormous examples right now (Taylor et al., 2015). Positivism investigate theory is expected to activity with the goal that the examination can be estimated. Right now, sociologists lean towards searching for affiliation or association between at least two factors. Positivism examines reasoning favors quantitative technique since this examination strategy has great representativeness and dependability. This way of thinking is controlled by quantifiable clarifications which are critical to examination factually.


The methodology of research is the system and plan wherein steps of expansive suppositions to the definite technique of information amassing, assessment, and the clarification of data. The idea of the examination issue is being tended to by this exploration approach. The deductive and inductive research approach is predominantly utilized in research to address the examination issue (Vaioleti, 2015). The deductive research approach is proper for this particular investigation in light of the fact that quantitative research will be used to finish the examination procedure. The deductive research approach is corresponding to developing a theory which depends on the current model and around then it plans for a methodology of research to explore the hypothesis (Taylor et al., 2015). Deductive research approach can be investigated by the speculation which can be subordinate from the aims of hypothesis. The deductive research approach is giving the chance to investigate the basic connection among factors and discernments in research and it assists with estimating recognitions quantitatively (Wåhlberg, 2017). The deductive research approach gives the chance to rearrange the result of the exploration to a guaranteed degree. The deductive research approach is to begin with a theory. The deductive research approach is related with the examination of a pre-decided model, portrayal or supposition. This examination approach is to assist with deciding a speculation by methods for existing ways of thinking.

Data Collection

Assorting the needed information is an essential piece of the examination procedure. It is the strategy of amassing and deciding proof on focused factors in the perceived framework which engages to address the examination issue. It is the segments of research in all fields of research (Wåhlberg, 2017). This strategy is for the most part trepidation with the exact accomplishment of data in spite of the fact that strategies which can change contingent upon the exploration field and guaranteeing exactness continue as before. The research in the mentioned context plans to make use of primary data collected from employees making use of technology on a daily basis for streamlining their daily work related activities.


Investigation of gathered data is the significant advance of research. Quantitative information investigation can be including the goal of frequencies of factors and differences between factors. This examination technique is mostly identified with results sign to either support or rejects theory which has been explained at the past period of research method. There are primarily three phases needed to finish for getting ready for the investigation of information, for example, information approval, information altering, and information coding. In the wake of finishing these three stages the information will be prepared for examination. There are for the most part two insights commonly utilized in quantitative research, for example, expressive measurements and inferential insights (Bryman and Bell, 2015). The essential information is examined through the execution of appropriate logical instruments. The essential information gathered using organized inquiries shut finished inquiries (Bryman and Bell, 2015).

Ethical Consideration

Considering the possible ethical constraints is significant in the course of research methodology. Morals in exploration are benchmarks or standards which recognize right or inaccurate. Moral thought is closing the fluctuations among worthy and unsatisfactory conduct in look into. Moral contemplations are forestalling manufacture or adulterating data which advances the information and trust of research. Moral thought is critical all through the examination considering the worries which are related to the data sharing, protection, co-origin, copyright rules, and numerous different issues (Flick, 2015). Moral thought rules are proper for certain issues like wellbeing morals, security, and clashes of honesty, quiet submission with the law, creature prosperity and human moralities. The controlling of moral issues altogether affected the respectability of research which can influence the consequences of the examination. The exploration must be given need and regard for the pride of research members and the examination must guarantee the security of protection of the members of the exploration (Patten and Newhart, 2017). The exploration must guarantee the associations partaking and obscurity of people and should guarantee the satisfactory degree of secrecy of data of the examination. Moral standards or principles to look into are assisting with increasing open help for the examination.

Limitation of the Research Method

This investigation has distinguished some restriction of the exploration technique during leading the examination procedure. The confinements of the exploration strategy are investigated underneath.

•Lack of assets for data assortment is the fundamental impediment of the examination technique. Quantitative research strategies for the most part require a huge example size and the upside of this exploration is the absence of assets in enormous scope inquired about gets inconceivable (Patten and Newhart, 2017).

•The huge example size is required for quantitative research and its requirements for progressively precise investigation. Quantitative research taking things down a notch can be less solid because of the low amount of data (Flick, 2015).

•This exploration technique needs solid information on the use of factual investigation. Poor information on the execution of factual investigation can adversely affect on examination and progressive clarification

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This section had investigated the general research procedure to finish the examination. The quantitative research technique was chosen to finish the exploration and optional information assortment strategy has chosen for this examination. This investigation has used exploratory research structure, deductive research approach, and positivism examine theory. The information has investigation by measurable strategy. The examination can use unmistakable measurements and inferential insights. By this measurable technique, the investigation can distinguish CSR on SMEs is attainable or not achievable.


The technology implementation gained immense attention in recent times. The conclusive evidence restates the fact that with the right kind of intervention aimed to increase the levels of business productivity, the business organizations can get the things they want, through the implementation of the right kind of technology to streamline the business operations.

Reference list

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Appendix 1: Timeline

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