In England, organizations are legitimately required to pursue that dispose of segregation and guarantee that laborers can anticipate reasonable and equivalent treatment at work. All specialists must be dealt with similarly and given similar open doors paying little heed to their race, age, sex, sexuality, inability, culture or some other trademark that may be oppressed. Diversity variety means shifted and extraordinary. Decent variety, like this, is about more than uniformity; it's tied in with making a culture that qualities singular contrasts and assortment to assist society, people, and associations. Work-life balance has to do with proper prioritizing between work (career and ambition) and lifestyle (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development). The concept of work-life balance is based on the idea that paid work and private life should be seen less as opposite priorities and more as corresponding essentials of a full life. Lewis (2008) observes that the way to achieve this is to adopt a system that is conceptualized as a two-way process that considers the needs of the workers as well as those of employers. To take on employers in this procedure, it is imperative to show the benefits that can be obtained from employment policies and practices that sustain work-life balance, and the scope that subsists for extenuating them. Clark (2009) defines work-life balance as contentment and good functioning at work and home with negligible role conflicts. Work-life balance is about finding the right balance between one ‘s work and one ‘s life (outside work) and about feeling comfortable with both work and non-work commitments. Many people find it difficult to manage their time in a way that is healthy for work and personal life not because they are poor at time management, but basically because a good part of the time is not theirs. However, work-life balance is tricky to accomplish without organizational encouragement individually. Before charging infrastructure will be more widespread, communities that can offer adequate charging locations and hybrid cars purchase incentives will have an advantage in attracting and retaining workers who want to make the switch to electrified transportation. Critically, from an economic development perspective, there is a good reason to expect that owners of electric vehicles will also be highly talented workers. Surveys of buyers of hybrid cars indicate they are an educated and tech-savvy group. Owning hybrid cars has an impact on work-life balance because it contributes to the quality of life and quality of work. The buyers of hybrid cars are; a group of people around 45 years old, a group of people who own a home and a garage, a group of people who makes about $125,000 a year and has college educated. Surveys by the University of Michigan and Pike Research found that the more education a person has, the more likely he or she is to be interested in purchasing a hybrid car. People with higher income and higher education are also more likely to purchase a hybrid car because they know that hybrid cars are enrichment experiences.
The electric vehicle was first created during the 1830s by various designers, including Thomas Davenport and Robert Anderson. These early electric vehicles kept running on non-battery-powered batteries and far surpassed gas autos for decades. However, vehicles were yet an oddity for the rich. At that point during the 1910s, the Ford Motor Company started to mass-produce the Model T, a gas vehicle that would turn into the transportation symbol of the working class. Henry Ford picked gas control over power and steam since gas autos could travel a lot further between refuelling. Besides, electric vehicles were defenceless against stalling, and mechanics were rare. The sequential construction system created Model T saw runaway deals, and with it, America's hunger for fuel developed. Re-established enthusiasm for the electric vehicle started during the 1960s and 1970s as Congress tried to diminish air contamination and weakness to rising oil costs. A mix of open and private venture prodded the start of large-scale manufacturing of electric vehicles in the late 1990s and all through the 2000s.
The research project is about work inequality and diversity in the workplace. This focused on analysis applied to work-life balance in hybrid cars for a group of people over 35 years old. This research project will illustrate how hybrid cars have an impact nowadays in work-life balance and enrichment experience.
A hybrid car is a very wise purchase for people who care about environmental protection, work-life balance, enrichment experience, who value luxury and economy of life. Hybrid cars are a good solution for the local community. Everything indicates that hybrid cars have the nearest future, at least in the passenger car segment. Hybrid cars are a reasonable choice both for those who often travel long distances and for those who use short-distance driving. One of the biggest advantages of hybrids compared to gasoline cars is that they provide cleaner and better mileage. The legal aspect of competitive markets is compliance with regulations such as taxation, compliance with environmental protection. As a result, hybrids cars are more environmentally friendly because they produce lower fuel consumption, lower emissions, recovery energy over time braking, an easier manoeuvre to start and stop the vehicle, hybrid cars have faster acceleration. (Kołaczek, 2016). The local community is connected to this resource. This research project is important because it shows the various aspects and benefits of using hybrid cars by local working society for whom the balance between private and professional life is important. With new technology, a car with an internal combustion engine ceases to pay off. The environmental aspect is one of the factors that attract potential buyers to hybrids. Much more common motivation is an ordinary saving of money. (Kotkowski, 2019) Political aspect: The business of hybrids cars has been compelled to utilize more contamination control frameworks. The significant vehicle makers are attempting to deliver more fuel powerful and low outflow vehicles. The sales of hybrids cars with no emissions everywhere throughout the world are developing and growing. The European Union has thorough guidelines even it comes to gas motor vehicles. Economic aspect: Economic factors are significant in terms of the automotive industry because, in several markets, the taxes on expensive vehicles are high. In the case of good economic conditions, the sales of vehicles can be high. Developed countries are recorded higher sales of hybrid cars. All countries can produce electricity themselves so that they will not have to import more expensive foreign oil. Hybrids cars are characterized by very high efficiency, thanks to that the distance covered is several times cheaper than with an internal combustion car (Chodakowska, 2018). The shareholders of people organization who is interested in this project Company shareholders who are a stakeholder for this project include employees, customers, suppliers, local community, academic sector, and Pestle.
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To explore hybrid cars into work-life balance and enrichment experience applied by Toyota.
To identify the bargaining power of hybrid cars in the work-life balance.
To determinate the threat of substitute hybrid cars in work life.
To explore competitive rivalry within an industry of hybrids cars in work-life balance and enrichment experiences.
What is the bargaining power for hybrid cars in the work-life balance?
Which threat of new entrants has a hybrid car in enrichment experience?
What threat of substitute has a hybrid car in the workplace?
How does work-life balance support help hybrid cars in bargaining power?
How does the competition of hybrid cars affect the balance of life and enrichment experiences?
There is not a relationship between hybrid cars into work-life balances and enrichment experience applied by Toyota.
The chapter is developed to inform about the theoretical concepts and related to hybrid cars and work-life balance by assessing the literature review. The review of articles is to be done in the chapter to also identify the impact of hybrid cars on work-life balance and enrichment experience. Equality and diversity in the workplace in using hybrid cars which are affecting into impact work-life balances and enrichment experience within. Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Tax Avoidance Among Global Corporations.
Bargaining Power of Consumers (Low): Although the number of firms operating in the automobile segment is increasing, the bargaining power of the consumers remains to be minimal. This is mainly because of the brand value of the products and the high brand switching cost attached to the products (Bowman and Gatignon, 2010). The consumer power, however, has started to increase with the increase in access to market information courtesy improvement in information and technology aspects (Lavie, Haunschild, and Khanna, 2012).
Threats of new entrants (Moderate): The threats of the new entrants are considerably low in the automobile industry because of the high capital requirements and strict regulatory requirements of the industry (Aaker, 2010). On the other hand, new firms are entering the industry not as complete manufacturers but as producers and providers of individual parts (Viardot, 2007). This is reducing the customer contact of the existing firms and creating scope for the joint operations of the new producers. Entering a vehicle assembling the business sector is expensive and unsafe. The underlying capital speculation is amazingly high, while the challenge between the organizations is extreme and commanded by the settled organizations. The notable brand, enduring business sector nearness in different fragments, and enormous size gives upper hand over new contestants in the vehicle producing industry. (Philip, n.d.)
Threats of substitute products (High): The substitute products for the automobile industry are low, considering other means of transportation as only the public mode such as bus and another commercial, public transport systems. However, similar products are increasing in the market, which is also fuelling the competition among the firms. Products such as Toyota Prius + and Volkswagen Golf Hatchback are almost similar in the context of features and fuel consumption (Hall, 2011). These factors suggest the requirement for more intense innovation in the operational process of the firms.
Bargaining power of supplier(moderate): The bargaining power of suppliers for the automotive industry is moderate as there are various suppliers of hybrid cars, and there is higher competition. The increased competition has moderated the bargaining power of the suppliers.
Competitor Analysis (High): The automobile market is highly competitive because of the growing demand of the consumers and the increasing rate of urbanization. The aspect of globalization has also enhanced the scope of the companies operating in the concerned sector. Big players such as Volkswagen, Mercedes, General Motors, Ford, Toyota, etc. are battling it out for being the best service provider (Bowman and Gatignon, 2010). The focus of these organizations has, however mainly aligned towards the emerging BRIC nations (Barker and Chitty, 2009). Apart from this, the growth of the popularity of the hybrid and sports cars segment has also increased the complexity of operations as business firms. The hybrid car segment has also been considered as the most value-added car segment for the consumers considering the consumption of fuel. Companies such as Toyota, Volkswagen, and BMW are among the leaders in the hybrid section of the automobile industry (Adair, 2011).
Diversity is a term that means different and varied, which is regarding valuing individual differences and variety. It brings cultural, environmental and other practices which benefits society, individuals and organization. Equality, on the other hand, means promoting as well as nurturing the rights to be free and different from discrimination and possess dignity and value as an individual (Patrick and Kumar, 2012).
Diversity is highly essential in the workplace as it has the potential to diminish lawsuits and enhance the opportunity to enhance reputation, creativity, and recruitment. When an organization makes effective communication and builds trust among its diverse team, then an organization could enhance its performance (Richard, Kirby, and Chadwick, 2013). Each of the organization needs to have an equality policy in its workforce to ensure that each of the employees is getting equal rights irrespective of the difference in age, religion, language, and gender. It is stated that equality promotes a sense of respect and even assist the employees to enhance the sense of togetherness which ultimately increase organizational performance.
Apart from the positive impact, there is a various negative impact of diversity and equality in the workplace. The workplace diversity brings different cultures and backgrounds people into the same field where there are higher chances of dissimilarity in opinions and perspectives, which brings conflicts. Poor communication is another limitation where the organization faces difficulties in communicating with one another (Podsiadlowski & et al., 2013). When an organization cannot manage equality in the organization than the employee’s performance would decline. The lack of clarity regarding equality policies also brings issues and could even diminish the reputation of an organization. Discrimination also creates the feeling of loneliness which also minimizes the workability of an individual’s irrespective of their ability and experience (Richard, Kirby and Chadwick, 2013).
Toyota has also committed to diversity and equality in every area of their business. The main two fundamental principles of the company are respect for people and continuous improvement”. The company possesses a diverse work team, which has improved the problem solving of the company and has also helped in exchanging new perspectives. The company has spent multibillion dollars in diversity and possesses a mission to give equal opportunity to each of the people. The promotion of diversity is one of the main management strategies of the company, which also brings job enthusiasm and satisfaction. On the other hand, Toyota also takes various measures to give support to the female employee’s participation in the workplace. The company is seen giving equal opportunity to both males and female which have motivated thousands to women to work with confidence. The company has maintained a hiring rate for female graduates and has also given a supportive balance between work and childcare duties to create an environment of support and equality. The company have always taken diversity and equality as strength and have motivated its employees to do work.
This chapter has stated that diversity and equality are highly essential for an organization to attain success. It enhances the performance of the employees and motivates them to give better services to the organization.
The research method and techniques in this project are a type of research, which is quantitative. The purpose of this research project is descriptive because a descriptive research project is used to gain and obtain important information concerning the nowadays status of the phenomena and to describe "what exists" with respecting to variables or conditions in a situation. Source in this project is primary and secondary information. Primary data is all data collected by a researcher from first-hand sources by using methods like interviews, surveys, and experiments. Primary data is collected with the research project in mind, directly from primary sources to support this research project. While secondary data is data gathered from surveys, experiments, or studding by other people or for another research project. Usually, a researcher starts a project by working with secondary data. The project has applied as a time or temporality as a cross-sectional. Data collection and data analysis a type of data collected by observing many subjects (such as individuals, firms, countries, or regions) at the one point or period is a cross-sectional data, or a cross-section of a study population, in statistics and econometrics. (Brady & Johnston, 2019). The method used in this project is mono because only one theory was used and applied. Porter’s Five Forces theory was used in this project. The strategic technique that was used in this project is the survey technique because the data has been collected in this project by asking questions that contain specific information. The reasoning of this research project is deductive because theorems are deduced from postulates and definitions of different authors. This project was used philosophy pragmatism research method, which helps to answer to the most efficient research question in the research.
50 employees of Toyota company were selected for a survey wherein 5 close-ended questions were asked in the survey. The survey questions were sent to each of the employees using emails
This study has made the use of ethical considerations in collecting both primary and secondary data. Primary data are collected without exposing the personal information of the employees. On the other hand, secondary data are free from plagiarism and are collected from academic sources.
This study will make the use of content data analysis to analyse the primary data whereas the thematic data analysis tool is used to analyse the secondary data analysis.
The survey was conducted with the employees of the Toyota company, which had 5 close-ended questions. The survey stated that the company always had a diverse workplace, and all the employees behaved in an equal manner. None of the employees gave any negative response towards the company, and they stated that the Toyota company had made various diversity and equality policies that they follow and make a sound organizational environment.
It had been analysed from the primary and secondary data that Toyota company possesses a good organizational environment. They respect their employees and employ diverse workers to bring diverse knowledge. The company is also seen using various policies and strategies to bring equality between male and female employees and are providing various facilities to even female employees to bring equality in its work culture.
Although this study has brought described the equality and diversity in a very clear manner, the result would have been more appropriate if the researcher would have used an interview despite survey as a strategy.
This study aimed to analyse the diversity and equality in the workplace of Toyota. It had been analysed that diversity and equality are highly essential in each of the organization as it is the one which enhances the performance of the organization. It is also seen building confidence in employees and even enhance their workability.
It is recommended that an organization should promote diversity through various diversity initiatives and treat everyone with the same preferences. The Usage of multi-cultural approach and equality policies could also be effective for organizations. The providing of respect apart from pay and benefits to the employees could also be helpful for the company to bring an effective organizational environment and promote diversity and equality in its workplace.
In future research, the researcher will make the usage of the interview as primary sources to collect data so that more appropriate results could be obtained.
Richard, O., Kirby, S, L. and Chadwick, K. (2013). “The impact of racial and gender diversity in management on financial performance: how participative strategy making features can unleash a diversity advantage”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 24 (13), pp.2571–2582.
Podsiadlowski, A. & (2013). “Managing a culturally diverse workforce: Diversity perspectives in organizations”, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol. 37, pp.159–175.
Patrick, H, A. and Kumar, V.R. (2012). “Managing Workplace Diversity: Issues and Challenges”, SAGE Open, April-June 2012, pp. 1–15.
Gujarati, Damodar N.; Porter, Dawn C. (2009). "The Nature and Sources of Data for Economic Analysis". Basic Econometrics (Fifth international ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 22–28.
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