IoT: Expanding Possibilities in Daily Life

Chapter 1: Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) comprises of interrelated computer devices which has opened up so many possibilities. Satista (2019) states that in 2019 there are around 26.66 billion connected devices that already exist in the real world. Study conducted by Manyika et al. (2015) project that by year 2025 that it will increase fivefold this shows how much our human lives, livestock, agriculture, transport, health and services will inevitably rely in some way or the other on these small smart devices to collect share and analyse data just to make life a little easier. The sensory capability is one of the significant aspects of the internet of things (IoT) this allows to and gives the tremendous capability of integrating different sensors to collect different types of data whether it is a temperature reading or a gas detection model the possibilities are just endless (Li et al., 2015; Barnaghi et al., 2012). As pointed by Rathore et al. (2016), this gives this idea a big advantage by being able to combine different monitoring or detecting or even scanning capabilities gives it an advantage and making it the next most important thing. Different devices can integrate with different services such as smart administration, smart environment, industries, energy, transport, smart office and residential buildings, smart security, and health. IoT has extensively influenced human lives in a positive way especially by fostering sustainable and efficient patterns of energy consumption at homes and offices (Pinochet et al., 2018; Crooks, 2018; Ismail, 2018). Additionally, smart meters have continued monitoring the presence of inhabitants in homes and offices while shutting down energy-consuming gadgets when none is using them. IoT has also contributed to the actualization of building ambiances meeting different tastes and interests of inhabitants. Intelligent houses programmed to save energy make life convenient and reduces costs in energy related bills. Alarm clocks are now connected to traffic apps, heating systems synced with external temperature sensors; and connected to cost evaluators. Better security through constant surveillance in homes and streets have all contributed in spicing human life with thrilling delicacies which make life convenient and comfortable.

Despite the positive significances affiliated to Internet of Things, there are various regulatory and technological challenges in need of redress, which have affected humans. Mhamane and Shriram (2018) maintained that the most important area which needs attention is in relation to data ownership such as privacy, security and sharing information. The application of IoT in the area of commerce is subject to certain limitations as far as information privacy is concerned. Poslad et al., (2018) consider the element of security and privacy as major impediment inhibiting full acceptance of IoT. The technologies may contribute to breaching of users’ privacy rights as in cases of home and office surveillance. Unauthorized access of information related to people’s finance, and personal information severely compromises personal privacy. This challenge can be reinstated through acute data governance strategies and governance. The Internet of Things has solved many challenges related to urban transport. The IoT device has significantly reoriented the transport sector by reducing the time and fuel commuters spend in finding a parking spot (Alsafery et al., 2018; Bajkowski, 2019). Many countries, which have adopted these IoT technologies in transport sector, have allowed the users to view available space from their own smartphones, and make payments through e-wallet. The users are then able to drive directly to identified places without necessarily loitering to find space for packing. Start-ups using this technology can communicate with commuter and offer them relevant information on location of the bus or a train, and the available seats in them.

Research problem and Justification

Like any other advanced technology, in additional to potential benefits, IoT has number of challenges. First challenge need to look at is to develop and design some sort of smart device that is useful to use in transport which is intuitive easy to use and most important make their trip a seamless trip. This will enable passengers to self-check in without the need to have to produce the ticket to the train conductor; this will help both passengers and the train conductor by giving the responsibility to the passenger in order to validate their seat seamlessly with the added features. The second challenge which is the most important is the threat that is introduced to possible security breaches in these smart devices also increases the more connections we get the more vulnerabilities’ we introduce.

Aim of the project

The Aim of this proposal is to create and design a ticketing system prototype device with the intention of checking the passenger’s ticket. The ticketing system is an IoOT device that will represent the trends in smart transportation. This method gives the customers some free and quiet time without getting disturbed for the ticket inspection,


Critically investigate/Literature review about IoT applications with a specific focus on public transport and user centred design of applications and develop the Internet of thing (IOT) device to scan barcodes on tickets for travelling

Critically analyse and investigate the relationship between IoOT and the human daily interactions for the design of IoT device for e-ticketing

Design and evaluate a user-friendly device which is used to validate and confirm customer.requirements

Critically design and draw up a final set of recommendations and conclusion on how to make the IoOT device both secure and user friendlye.


Chapter 2: Literature revive

Abdelhadi, and Akkartal (2019) define internet of things as the network of physical objects such as instruments, devices, buildings, vehicles and trains which are integrated with electronics, software, circuits, sensors, software and network connectivity; enabling these objects to gather and exchange data. Besides, the internet of things also enables various objects not only to be detected but also be controlled by remote controller along a given network infrastructure which then creates a golden opportunity for more direct manipulation of the physical world into computer systems; to provide the users with more accuracy in handling the tools and effectiveness especially in time management. The Internet of Things (IoT) comprises of interrelated computer devices which has opened up so many possibilities. Satista (2019) maintained around 26.66 billion connected devices already existing in the real world and projected a drastic increment by year 2025. Satista (2019) noted that IoT connections will increase fivefold and showed how much human life, livestock, agriculture, transport, health and services will inevitably rely in some way or the other on these small smart devices to collect share and analyses data just to make life a little easier. Applications of Internet of Things have grown drastically in the recent past. The International Data Corporation (IDC) maintained a perception that the transport sector is the biggest beneficiary of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies (Ling et al., 2017). Smart IoT is accelerating the rates of innovation and transformation in transportation and infrastructure areas. Application of smart, and connected sensors alongside smart intelligence and big data analytics have enabled the collection of knowledge, making accurate predictions and helping in making improved decisions in transport safety (Vermesan, and Friess, 2013). Obaidat et al., (2019) contended to the immense contributions of IoT to the areas of smart infrastructure maintenance, smart traffic management, smart car technology, and smart driver advisory systems.

Overview of IoT

Kevin Ashton (British technologist) conceived the concept of Internet of Things in the year 1999 describing it as a system in which the physical world is linked together through ubiquitous sensors (Endsley, 2016). Since its conception, Internet of things has fostered communication without necessarily being there physical human interventions or contact. This study takes cognizance of how IoT has taken a large share in the realms of transportation, automotive and healthcare industries (Ashton, 2009; Atzori et al., 2010). Despite the fact that IoT technologies are in their initial stages of development, some conspicuous observations have already been made in incorporation of objects with sensors in the internet. Poslad et al., (2015)’s study that a working IoT system will always have its drivers which will requires the availability of infrastructure namely standards, protocols, communications and interfaces. As the spectrum of IoT continually develops and evolve so does the number of connected gadgets increases. It is estimated that by the year 2010, more than 10.5 billion mobile connections will be attained, which will bridge the digital and physical world, and indeed enhance life quality and productivity of enterprises, persons and people (Poslad et al., 2015).

Customized Services under IoT

The internet of things is a characterization of various impacts on the sphere of human life. The internet links people together through not only business prospects, but also social communication. The emerging trends in IoT seeks to connect systems and machines together through actuators and sensors to ensure meaningful information and data from these systems are collected and an appropriate course of action to foster human efficiency and productivity. Poslad et al., (2015) pointed out two crucial areas of IoT applications affecting currently society first information and analysis and secondly, automation and control. In the sphere of information and analysis, the studies emphasize how decision-making processes abilities have been elevated through receiving better and more updated information from networked objects, for more accurate analyses regarding to situational awareness, tracking, and sensor-driven decision analytics. In automation and control, information transmitted from processed data and analysis is refined more for the betterment of their efficiency and related decision making processes. Additionally, information related to route can be communicated, for decision to be made by commuters as whether to take alternative means or wait. Internet of things is playing a pivotal role in in the domain of Bus Rapid Transport Systems (BRTS) in various countries. In many cases, upon the arrival at bus station, passengers are offered with information concerning current location of the bus; and the anticipated duration it will take to arrive on stage (Shah, 2019; Kathuria et al., 2016). The passengers are then able to decide whether to wait or look for alternative means. In the transport domain, Internet of Things has capacitated vehicle management. Car breakdowns, which in many cases are unpredictable, expensive, and inconvenient, can be curbed through vehicle management system that continuously obtains statistics concerning vehicle performance. Upon anomalous detection, attention is brought to the vehicle owner who in turn fixes the problem in time. Essentially, this has improved vehicles’ life expectance, minimized accidents and fuel.

Architecture of Internet of Things

Vermesan, and Friess (2013)’s studies present IoT architecture as a composition of five layers namely; application layer, communication layer, sensing layer, infrastructure layer and communication layer; and that these layers are functionally interconnected and work as a unit. The service layer as the master mind triggers a correct response the entire system as per the particular needs of the entire bus or train system. Based on the dynamic nature of transport sector demands, IoT technologies are on the blink of constant evolution to meet new demands. Various scholars have keenly traced the factors which inspired the need for IoT related smart technologies in the realm of transport. Their findings have revealed different constraints affecting the sectors, making it easier for technology to resolve some of these challenges. Venkanna et al., (2018) researched on adoption rates of IoT related technologies in trains users. Their studies shows that users could readily find trains between stations locate the position of a train relative to the nearest station but yet could be unable to book or extract a ticket via online. To overcome this gap, they proposed the integration of e-wallet system along with booking. E-wallet scheme constitutes one of the latest developments which enable users to own a wallet account to use in depositing money to wallet accounts for purchasing train tickets. E-wallet scheme makes sure the user does not necessarily visit a bank for payment each time thus saving time in making payments for the acquisition of e-wallet. This IoT device is under continuous modification and improvements for more efficiency. Studies show that the development of Automatic Ticket Vending Machine was inspired by the urge to decongest long queues in obtaining tickets in major cities and increase efficiency in the transport sector. In this system, the users ought to register on the website and fill in fundamental details such as destination, source, return date, and date (Sandhya, and Sudha, 2018). Poslad et al., (2015) noted it is upon the entry of the details, that a QR is generated which the user use as a ticket for travelling. On the peripheral side of the ticket, the QR code is scanned to attain information related to the user, and validate get validated. For the purposes of security, the ticket is only checked and the message generated to the intended user.

In the domain of ticketing, Gupta (2016) stated that the operational features-ticketing protocol is the same as those of QR. The distinction lies on the sense that tags are linked with special cards which are owned and carried by passengers. The reader of the cards gathers the information from them. The RFID technology in ticketing system allows passengers to tag off or tag on and be charged automatically based on the number of zones travelled. Conventional tickets are printed and sealed. The diagram below shows an overview of the system’s components and their relationship to the external interfaces.

Automated Railroad Reservation System

A study by Poslad et al., (2015) demonstrated that the application of automatic ticket systems allows proponents such as transport authorities to not only save time but also personnel costs and instill fare collection. Besides, these systems require less maintenance costs and less fraud-induced losses; which highlight their significances. Sandhya, and Sudha (2018) contended that automation is key in the reduction of crime, excess work, and time in the whole transport system. Radio Frequency Identification harnesses the low-end electromagnetic spectrum which is not deleterious; just like the radio waves. As the radio tunes into various frequencies, so does the Radio Frequency Identification readers and tags tune to the same frequency to communicate. Utilizing radio waves to identify and trace a person, animal, or product using RFID tags integrated on them, RFID has been integrated into trains and buses for purposes of tracing them while informing customers on stage about relative estimations to arrive on stage. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system comprises of microchip with antenna (tag) and reader with an antenna. Domdouzis et al. (2007) suggested typical RFID tag constitutes incorporated circuit for storing and synthesizing information; and for modulating and demodulating Radio Frequencies (RF) signal. RFID tag also comprises of an antenna for the purposes of receiving and transmitting signals. Technological engineers have applied the concept of RFID in transport sector, especially in bus identification, where the tags are attached to the bus. Besides RFID, the use of AWS enables developers to connect and manage devices alongside facilitating the construction of IoT applications. Besides, AWS IoT platform renders much more efficiency in connecting gadgets into the cloud, and fosters easy collection, storage and analysis of large volumes of data streaming from connected gadgets (Oppitz, and Tomsu 2018). Oppitz, and Tomsu (2018) attributed credits to Radio Frequency Identification tickets on the basis that they are complex to duplicate as opposed to magnetic tickets; which therefore minimizes chances of fraud. It is under this conception this study will embrace part if RFID as part of its designs. Since radios are often treated as broadcasting, the system will be engulfed by a sound proof material to minimize penetration of sound. Additionally, radio waves permeate through most non-metallic objects hence can be integrated in encased non-metallic materials for the purpose of enhancing durability. Smart ticket terminal lack moving parts which minimizes tear and wear; making Radio Frequency Identification terminals reliable while reducing maintenance time-ratios. Reduced memory size equally affects low ticket pricing which incites customers to embrace them. Oppitz, and Tomsu (2018) in their work define E-ticketing as a transport payment system which is based on the application of information and communication innovations. Mallikarjuna, Reddy, and Sailaja (n.d) defined e-ticketing as “a contract in digital format, between the user and service provide… which has the ability to also offer the verification and authentication and of passengers”. An E-ticket therefore holds huge amount of electronically coded information; and therefore many commuters do not necessarily carry printed tickets. E-ticket technology helps commuters to book long journey tickets. Upon the completion of booking, a confirmation mail is sent to the passenger containing the ticket information which ought to be printed. M-Ticketing was conceived on the same spirit as E–Ticketing to help passengers obtain travelling tickets from the touch of their phones. While e-ticketing creates costs saving for the railway sector, the travellers also benefits in terms of convenience. Besides, the travelers do not need to carry paper ticket, meaning the tension of misplacing paper ticket is alleviated. The travelers are also permitted to check in online over the web and identify what choice of seats is there for screen and make informed choices (Sandhya, and Sudha, 2018). The corporate managers also track their transaction activities with efficiency by eliminating paper transactions.

IOT Security Concerns

End-to-end encryption based on Biometric Saas is one of the reliable management systems developed to counter common identity theft and meet the ever-increasing security demands in various domains such as government, forensic and transportation, security, finance, education, healthcare and public justice (Jaiswal 2018). The program concerns with information security; rendering it integrity, confidentiality ensuring it availability in all forms at given time. Systems based on biometrics have gradually evolved to ensure they provide information security services. The ability of transport management sector to verify travelers’ identities is crucial in identity management systems. Without proper verification, the idea surrogate representations of identities including use of identity other travelers’ cards and passwords may make the technology unreliable (Kaiwartya et al., 2016) . In the field if engineering, Jaiswal (2018) maintained that biometric recognition is mainly attached with the establishment of individuals’ identities according to their measurable behavioral or biological traits. Biological traits may take forms of fingerprints, eye, hand geometry, ear or face; while behavioral traits may take forms of signatures, gait and keystroke dynamics. Biometrics is going to increase security of e-ticket owners to keep off cases of people falsely claiming to be bearers of tickets. Biometric authentication is characterized by improved levels of accuracy, but its inadequate scalability and accessibility by current biometric technology; alongside high cost incurred in actualizing the same have inhibited its adoption rates. The improved accuracy is going to impart confidence among the users and influence adoption rates. Elemental costs incurred in the implementation process are reduced by the application of a low-cost IoT device (Raspberry Pi). The attraction of Raspberry pi ascends its affordability and the computer’s small size. Raspberry is applied to develop a biometric system based on its ability to link with fingerprints or cameras through USB ports. Additionally, raspberry pi constitutes an Ethernet port which fosters internet connectivity. This study ventures into this technology based on its cost effectiveness, ability to connect with wireless internet adapters and indeed abilities to be housed on the cloud as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) (Jaiswal, 2018). Ling et al., (2017) conceived the blend of cloud and Raspberry Pi as one of the most excellent trends in IoT. The IoT enabled objects sensed and controlled remotely across a given network architecture, motivates opportunities for direct manipulation between computer-based systems and physical world; and in due process inducing opportunities efficiencies, economic gains and precisions. According to Sandhya, and Sudha (2018), the Internet of Things has reinvented identity management systems biometrically to facilitate opening of not only bank and email accounts but also homes, cars, and personal health databases. Many theoretical studies demonstrate that password-based authentications are subject to attacks including dictionary, brute force, sniffing, phishing, and surfing and key-logger invasions. Human-induced traits also add additional challenges to pass-word bases authentication, as in through sharing confidential passwords to friends and family members (Abdelhadi, and Akkartal, 2019). Kaiwartya et al., (2016) noted main causes of password challenges are fabricated in the unique organizational needs and memorability issue. The scholars’ study concluded that human compute interactions logistics have the capacity to address password-related challenges by putting strict measures safeguarding the protection of password security against extruders. Sandhya, and Sudha (2018) empirically studied security and password memorability constraints, and concluded that amongst the various biometrics of face, finger, eye, voice, hand, signature, DNA; face biometrics was the leading in terms of compatibility evaluation conducted by the Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD). Face biometrics will thus be a prevalent design for this study.

The possibility of all electronic interfaces and the associated human-optimization capabilities they bring have been facilitated by software engineering. Interfaces are useful, and easy to use because of their interaction design which triggers users to integrate the system or app to the normalized routine; or even when necessary to complete intended tasks. Poslad et al., (2018) categorize interaction design as naturally contextual and that the interaction aims at solving of problems under special occasions using the available material. User-centered design is important in this study based on the fact that it demonstrates how user participation in every phase is crucial. In conclusion, applications of Internet of Things have grown drastically in the recent past. The International Data Corporation (IDC) maintained a perception that the transport sector is the biggest beneficiary of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies (Ling et al., 2017). As demonstrated in the above submissions, this study envisages actualizing one of the most profound transformations in the railway industry using the above designs such as RFID and biometrics from a technological perspective.

Why User-Centered Approach is Important?

According to Endsley (2016), the User-Centered Design is founded on the precepts of usability knowledge and ergonomics to identify the users’ needs. The scholars define user-centered designs as a “project-oriented to interactive systems development”. User-Centered Approach therefore is need-specific, adhering directly to the needs of the technology consumers. The International Standardization Organization (ISO) 9241-210 proposed the application of User-Centered Design as a way of influencing acceptance and productivity of interactive designs while reducing errors and time incurred in supporting, training and producing projects. The adoption of User-centered Design will also inspire this study to inspire best users’ experiences, and address the development of systems which are inclined to specific consumers’ needs and preferences; through the application of ergonomic criteria and the knowledge on user techniques. Endsley (2016) stated that User-Centered Design increases efficiency, improves human wellbeing sustainability and accessibility while putting into account the various impacts interactive systems can bring forth in the realms of human health, user performance and safety. ISO defines user experience as the ‘perceptions and responses resulting from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service" Poslad et al., (2015). Other studies present user experiences as the affections, beliefs, emotions and anticipations occurring before, during and after the consumption of a given technology. This definition will inspire this study in becoming compatible to users’ affections, feelings, emotions and anticipations. The pursuits to employ User-Centered Designs is therefore impeccable because it promotes easy and faster adoption rates of this study based on the premise of that the approach takes into considering diverse needs, preferences and interests. UCD is weak – you need to link it to both IoT and your application e.g. that it is an application You need a summary hear of key points/findings that inform your design and study.

Chapter 3: Research methodology

Research methodology refers to the system of collecting data for research. This study will collect its data through both theoretical and practical approaches. This study will revise through the System Development Lifecycle to fully attain an understanding on how information Systems supports business requirements; system designs, system construction and system delivery to users (Green, Camilli, and Elmore, 2012). Research methodology showcases the entire approaches, designs, methods of data collection and analysis used in the study in an academic prose. Ferreira et al., (2014) in their work defined research methodology as the process of accruing related information to a given study, and noted that it is an instrumental part of any research since it provides detailed information about the design of the research and the overall procedures applied in data collection. This study takes into consideration the premise that research is a process encompassing of distinct phases including; definition of the problem, formulation of research question, data collection, data interpretation and analysis; which lead into logical conclusions. The rapidly changing environment of software engineering requires a systemized approach which adheres to the mentioned phases in order to derive meaningful conclusions (VKothari, 2004).

Research philosophy- positivism

There is no shortage of literature in academia informing the trends in software engineering, and how the domain has influenced efficiencies not only in transport sectors but also homes, offices and other areas. This study applies secondary sources and positivism philosophy to draw logic conclusion. According to Green, Camilli, and Elmore, (2012), an enticing research philosophy ought to integrate previous literature because this will form a basis of understanding that which has already been done in the realm of the topic under research. Besides, applying secondary literature will grant this study insight on which research design methods can be embraced with regard to data collection and analysis techniques. This research therefore finds merit in acquiring a positivism philosophy to guide it towards conclusions.


According to Møller, and Sørensen (2017), epistemology encompasses the theory concerned with study limitations and validity of knowledge accrued during research. This study will strife to testify and approve not only the secondary sources but also its hypotheses to draw informed conclusions about the actualization of the e-ticket prototype device; which will significantly ease transport sector. The study will also analyze the primary data to foster relevance towards the conclusions. Relative to epistemology philosophy, this study intends to ensure that its knowledge can be readily acquired or experienced. Vyas (2014) presents epistemology an assumption which researchers make concerning the most effective approach by which to perceive the world in order to extract truth from it. This study adopts two main epistemological philosophies as proposed by Pozzebon (2017) namely positivism and interpretivism which the scholar uses simple anecdotes to distinguish one from the other. In Pozzebon (2017)’s view if a researcher accommodates knowledge as it is created from data and analysis, then this concept becomes positivism. On the other hand; if a researcher collects knowledge and interpret it differently to extract varied grains of truths; then that becomes interpretivism. In this study, positivism and interpretivism will encourage withdrawal of two major viewpoints to be compared to enrich the whole study with relevant conclusion.

Positivism and Interpretivism, realism

The precepts of positivism lies on the premise that each and every trace of factual knowledge lies on the positive data collected from first-hand experience and that beyond the spectrum of fact lays pure logic and mathematics. According to Lin, and Hsieh (2007), positivism refers to an epistemological conception which provides validity and objectivity to the given study. Robson (2011) reiterated that positivism is founded on the threshold of realist ontology which is associated with objectivism and the claim that truth is in existence and ought to be found out there. According to VKothari (2004), positivism is an epistemology model that offers objectivity and validity to the research based on a realist ontology which believes on the ideals of objectivism and the claim that truth is out there. Positivism equally employs various approaches such as statistical analysis and questionnaires in the pursuit to identify social reality. This study resumes a positivism perspective as research design approach is objective and the context of formulating hypothesis fits vividly within its paradigm. This study applies positivism on the conviction of finding the elemental truths by virtue of collecting data through questionnaires from experts in the software engineering domain, system users, and proponents likely to be affected by its development. Through positivism, the study will achieve proposing a viable e-ticketing prototype which is responsive to consumers’ needs. The concern of this study will be anchored on software engineering as science ascending from linguistic and numerical set of statement beside positivism precepts, the study will also penetrate into interpretivism which is largely associated with constructivism; which is a model that abandons the conception that reality must be founded out through rigid processes of scientific inquiry. Interpretivism maintains a view that social reality is viewed as subjective and is unique from the original reality and thus demands various research philosophies such as interactions and interviews (Vyas, 2014). Along this line, during and before designing the proposed system, several meetings and interviews with public transport proponents, third party agents, software and technology firms will be done to construct intended knowledge about the implication of e-ticket prototype. These meetings and interviews consequently paved a way for understanding the unique characteristics surrounding the public transport domain and helped a lot in unveiling the different demands of service providers. Additionally, it is upon the interpretivism conception that this research will identify the needs; a process which yielded on a web prototype of the mobile payment app developed with tool. The conduction of meetings and interviews were not adequate in providing all required information concerning the needs of the transport proponents. This study embraces the positivism approach by adopting exploratory qualitative surveys to acquire the behavioral or perceptual prospects of the problem. The surveys will be based on simple samples presented to respondent population to assist in availing topical issues which would contribute to problem definition. Surveys will be applied to introduce new information in relation to the proposed technology. The surveys were given to technologists who were able to provide their views about the technology; and their opinions influenced the development of the research conclusion. Focus group discussions with the passengers, and train operators are expected to disclose a degree of awareness about the proposed technology and such discussions gave a blueprint about behavioral and attitudinal implications such technologies had on the consumers (Vyas, 2014). The other paramount third research philosophy which this thesis will harness is presented by Heeks, and Bailur (2007) as realism. This philosophy anchors on the idea that many natural positivistic methods are accommodated but yet there is equally the consumption of subjective nature of research and the role of values. The application of realism therefore maximizes the chances of analyzing primary and secondary data to make the study more responsive to the real and factual needs of the software users; which will consequently attract more adoption rates.

Research approach - Deduction

According to Vyas (2014) research methodology is self-evidence which defines the overall philosophy of the study. Research approach is divided into two main branches namely deductive and inductive approaches. With regard to this study, after conceiving the ideology of the e-ticket checking in system for travelling on trains; it was crucial to embark on validating the concept and evaluate the prototypes therein with the help of primary and secondary data. Evaluation has always been deemed to be a vital step in product design; because it gives providers experts and users to feedback concerning the system. To distinguish between deductive and inductive validation approaches, this research will employ research primary data as the key distinctive factor. In deductive approach, the research approach shifts towards verifying the validity of stated hypotheses using primary data. This study will utilize deductive approach it its effort to derive logical conclusions; and validate the stated hypotheses using primary data. Deductive approach will ensure the design of the system meets all the users’ expectations and requirements Deductive process is a top-down approach where the application’s proposals emerge from the users’ convictions about where the added value is at the junction with technology-driven applications. On the other hand, inductive approach involves a scenario whereby the research approach generates new hypotheses and theories. Additionally, deductive approach is more associated with qualitative research, where the hypotheses are tested through empirical investigations in order to accommodate or discredit them. Induction approach does not engage the process of hypothesis development. The process commences with research questions and objectives which the study seek to achieve through primary and secondary data. Deductive approach is founded on the spectrum of distinct steps including; reviewing and establishing the related theory to the topic, coming up with hypotheses, gathering data, testing the stated hypotheses and looking into the outcome by approving or disapproving the hypotheses. These steps are presented in the following sketch;



Digitalisation is a convergence and the ongoing development of connecting physical and virtual worlds this has allowed companies to integrate IoOT, Cloud infrastructures, automation, and the collection of big data seamless whether it is by plane, ships, cars, or trains used in transportation or the movement of big loads in the freight business. According to a recent study conducted by (PIERIEGUD, 2018) the adaptation of technology and transport. In the last four years railway companies have been pressurised to begin the digital transformation. A research has been conducted that looks into the challenges faced (Yongjun, et al., 2012). In this research, the authors used RFID in order to identify the person now with the creation of smart devices and smart environments with much easier and user-friendly interfaces among the high demand for such systems to make our journeys easier, safer, and more secure. Looking at the possibilities that these smart devices can offer us as users of the rail transport system my motivation is to create a device that would eliminate the process of providing physical evidence of the tickets while the system also monitors the user’s well-being while he/she travels

Having to produce tickets has become some sort of an issue as we delve into the world of digitalisation we are moving towards the e-ticketing systems some might prefer to book online but never the less printing physical paper copies will inevitably be outdated. Therefore, we can use the already existing systems of barcoded e-tickets to create a seamless check in process easy for all passengers to use just by scanning the barcode.

According to a recent case study that concentrated on health care using the internet of things (Case study on Health care Using Internet of Things, 2016) the IOT devices consist of many sensors receivers and actuators by using the available technology we can further advance the IOT device to capture health abnormalities by improving health and safety of the passengers.

This solution is so flexible we can scale it up and add more features as and when we want because we are utilising the use of the IOT devices to connect different sensors together we can easily add more features. Idea is to develop a device that can scan the barcode on the ticket in order to check the passenger is occupying the right seat, which turns a green light on which confirms that the customer has already done that. This will help the train inspector by not having to ask for the tickets. This also stops disturbing passengers especially if they are asleep and monitors old or sick passengers heart rates that triggers a notification to the train manager for assistance and will also have a panic button for any other emergencies.


Northumbria online library


Arduino Website.

Arduino platform for programming the device.

The main purpose for developing this prototype device is to make passengers’ traveling more convenient, safe and most of all keeps passengers at ease especially if they have any health issues. The prototype device will be used in sleeper trains, domestic trains it will have an integrated pulse sensor to monitor the heart rate during the passenger’s sleep and a panic button in case of emergencies

This also provides us with valid points

Easy to use intuitive and provides safety for passengers who suffer of any illnesses


Self-organisation: by allowing passengers to organise and plan their journey effectively.

Self-control: by having all your details of your ticket on your handheld device it allows some point of control

Time saving: the ability to purchase e-tickets online and sent to your smart device eliminates the need to print out physical tickets. Thus allowing the passenger to travel freely without any ticket delays.

Design and implement a prototype device that allows train customers to check in their tickets validate it with 2FA authentication by entering a pin number sent directly as a text message, the device then turns a red light to green if the seat allocated is the right one. This device will have a heart monitoring device connected to the users arm to monitor heart beats and a panic button that would be directly connected to the train managers’ handheld device.

Ethic consideration

This questionnaire will be targeted at adults who have full responsibility of their travel assuring them that this data will be anonymous and none of the content will be tied to any specific user. Users will have full confidentiality anonymity, which will be guaranteed as no names will be collected. Users will be aware the overall purpose of this project. (Adrian Mcewen, 2014)


In this chapter, the study has provides a detailed account of the research philosophy, methodology and strategy according to which it shall be done. The study anchors on the on both positivist and interpretivist thresholds; harnessing the mixture of case studies, survey and action research methodologies. Existing literature is equally vital in providing salient strengths and weaknesses in earlier studies. The chapter has also stated the implications of investing in epistemological, deductive and inductive concerns in reaching out to the stated objectives. Finally, the chapter has detailed the operationalization of the practical aspect of the research encompassing deductive and inductive approaches which will examine and ensure the derived findings and conclusions are valid and meaningful.

Chapter 5

Architecture of the prototype

Looking at the survey results, the following device was developed:

Will break these down into modules this way it will show the development phase of the device

For technical reasons I will have to use two Arduino Uno’s for the proposed device.

Heart Pulse sensor:

For this device I had to use 2 Arduino Uno devices simply because the Heart Sensor has a continuous signal which in turn will cause the device not to respond as effectively. For this case I will have a master and a slave to control both devices

Schematic for the Heart Pulse sensor

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GSM Module Sim900:

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Flow Diagrams for different features

QR Code Scanner

QR Code Scanner

Heart Pulse Monitor

Heart Pulse Monitor

Panic Button

Panic Button Order Now

Chapter 6



This IOT device does come with a security concern for every IOT device is a data collector some devices collect personal data and store them on the device locally and some don’t. (Fu, 2017) This brings some challenges by making it a potential target to obtain such information. A number of security concerns and challenges does prevent securing of these devices to insure end-to-end security in the IOT environment. The most important challenge to date is often the resource constraint and not having enough computing resources to manage encryption which makes these devices more secure, another is that there are no agreed security standards worldwide, so manufacturers often don’t take this matter seriously. In order to combat these issues, we need to focus on a number of things such as:

Security should be the first thing that we need to think about during the design phase

Digital certificates should be used all the time no exceptions.

API security to protect the integrity of data being transmitted.

Every IOT device must have a unique identifier.

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Hardware should be physically secured to stop tampering.

Software should be up to date as manufacturers find vulnerabilities updates get sent out. So should be a must to update to rectify these security flaws.

Consumer education of these devices.

Unique pin numbers for (2FA) multi factor authenticator


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