Divorce Impact on African Families

1.0 Introduction

The paper is all about the impact of the divorce in African communities that are present in London. A number of theoretical views related to the impact is present and demonstrated in this paper for its better understanding. Families are important part of young ones life and generally are forests that consist of number of trees that have different position in the family. African community is a strong one and divorce is not an easy and common practice in Africa. The case of divorce only comes in this community if the situation is an intense and out of control. A marriage is like a kind of winning any battle in African community and thus the separation cannot be an easy task here. Authors and their views are also described in this paper for the better understanding of this divorce scenario easily. The divorce rates are increasing due to several of the reason that is persisting in society. The misunderstandings, extramarital affairs or many other reasons can be seen to be present in this scenario for the African community in the London. Like king Mswati of Swaziland had won victory the same way marriage is also a kind of victory to these communities. Most of the effects are generally seen on the children and the adolescents present in the family. A proper research methodology is being initiated in this case for the proper understanding of the impact of divorce on African community people. Secondary research is seen in this paper for the review and understanding of this impact. Interviews and questionnaires are generally preceded in this paper for the review of people regarding this issue. A proper solution regarding this issue is also made possible by the help of this methodology. Moreover a research onion is also presented to help the methodology regarding the research presented here.


2.0 Research questions

What is the reason for divorce in African community?

What those marriage counselors can do for those struggling divorces?

What re the recommendations to the new married couples?

3.0 Research Problem

The research is all about understanding the impact of divorce cases in the African community. These divorce cases are generally having an impact on the children and the whole family. African community is generally a strongest one and thus requires a proper meaning for their divorce to be happened. A serious condition is only required in their community so that they can think about this problem properly. African community culture in London is to be understood here in this case easily. The contradicting culture is being focused here in this case.

4.0 Literature Review

4.1 Theories

There are various theoretical impacts of this parental divorce on children’s. The mental health of those parents as well as the children’s are being devastated that is being seen in this theory. An unbelievable and improper health impact is being seen on the children’s of those divorced people. Rates of the divorce are seen to be high in African countries due to various misunderstandings or other irrelevant reasons between the parents. The African communities that are living in London have to be face a lot of problems due the divorce cases .It is increasing on a daily basis and is required to be removed properly. Parents are not to be blamed always for the distress that is seen in their children’s. Individual, social, economic and other effects are also seen in the family due to the divorce. The consequences of the divorce are always seen on the children that are available. A psychological understanding of this Divorce theory suggests that these divorces in African communities that are living in London facing a kind of loss to their families as well as their adolescent ones. Generally the social profiles of children as well as the parents can be seen to be affected in any environment also in London. A communication of these happenings is hard to be conveyed to the children’s after their parents’ divorce. Africans don’t bring out their separation or divorce to their children’s while living in UK. Before separation a violence that can be created in these families has impact on their children’s in a negative way in these families living in London. The educational and psychology of children’s are being affected in this case due to the separation of their parents. Moreover a change in behavior, mental health and reputation of these families goes down in society as well in social arena.

4.2 Relevant author reviews

According to Muchena, 2018 a South African man's experience regarding his divorce is being described by the author. It was a justifiable and turning point in his life. Those people's interpretation of the social marriage and taking the divorce is being illustrated in this part. A stressful life transition is being depicted in this case of divorce case of African communities in London. It can be easily seen that men try to adjust most of the cases of divorce and thus are found to be suffering from various health and psychological symptoms. A formal and parental identity is being lost by the father as well as the mothers in this case. The childrens are seen to be the suffering one in these relationships. Parents are also seen to be suffering from various health and harassment issues after marriage and thus come the scenario of divorce. According to Watkins, T.A. 2017 mental health situations of men’s are being talked and described here in this case. Parents' mental health in African American community is being described in this part properly for a deep understanding of the impact of the divorce on people. A communication management privacy theory is being described in this part for the better understanding of this divorce scenario in African community those are living in London. A system theory is also being depicted here for the motivation and attitude formation of adults' mental health. Starting from social pressures to socioeconomic issues these Africans face various kinds of the stigma and perception for native depicting emotional health issues and various others.

Tsuma, 2019 depicts the cause for the divorce in the African families and communities in London. The supportive nature and participation of church are being analyzed here in this case. According to the data and information around 50% of new African marriage can be seen to be ending within the first 12 months. Children are being highly affected by these divorce and most of these African childrens are experiencing their parents’ divorce before their age of 18th. A number of divorce stories are present in South Africa where the divorce and quarrel are at the household level in this case where they are living in London. Sandler, 2020 describe a random trial of one beginning of the after the divorce and separation from the old family. A community agency is being provided to the divorced parent in this case. Two actions are being defined in this case where these parents are taught around the skills related to the establishment of a new relationship after divorce case. An evaluation of this NBP program can be seen for the divorced family to help them. A proper demonstration of this NBP case is described in this part for the divorced family as follows:

According to Masilo, D.T., 2019 extramarital affairs of those african communities living in London are a big reason for their divorce in their relationship. ESR are acceptable social practices that are seen in South african communities but are a big reason for the divorce cases among their family members living in London. Thus pre marital counselling are seen to be focused here in the case of the divorce for the families. The in law preference, no solution to those scenarios, a lack of communication, migration, domestic violence and various other problems are pursuing the divorce cases that are seen in African community in London through this part. A teenage pregnancy, unemployment and carrying various harmful sexual diseases are also a reason for the divorces in these communities. Grant is describing the integration transmission and the consequence of this marriage in the african communities living in London. Marital status of women is focused in this case for the divorce cases that happened here. The potential behavior and mechanism related to the livelihood of divorced parents are being described in this scenario. A case happens in which the children are in custody and the parents have to suffer with their ex spouse and thus a moment of divorce comes. This divorce is seen to be a harmful effect on the loneliness and bad fairness for the mental health condition of parents (Erepository.uonbi, 2020). According to Senteio, C.R., 2019 African American health headers are being in focus for the proper description of this marriage and divorce case in African community. Other sexual matters that led to the HIV positive and various other diseases are also big cases for the separation between the parents. A care giving concern is being focused here properly for the parents to their children so that they can spare a good life for the future. The religious differences, marital satisfactions and psychological well being are being focused here in this case for the married people. Emergence of society and their look towards such cases are an important aspect for the scenario.Rai, S.C., 2018 describes the law courses for those divorce cases in African community. The western ideology and iconography are the reason for the divorce cases in those African communities. The social and political issues are being seen in this concept for the divorce cases in African communities those living in London. An impact on emerging the relationship of those married couples is being verified in this part easily. Society, economy and policies are looked here properly for the life of those african people that turn it to a worst one. Divorce courts are being emphasized and their roles are generally described by the writer that also impacts the life of those parents in London. According to Moradi, M., 2017 an investigation of marriage and divorce are seen to be taking place in this scenario easily. The process of choosing a proper mate is being initiated by the author here. A love is highly required in a relationship and when it is not found then the relationship can be seen to be destructive. Marriage is such a relationship that can help both the couples but the divorce also helps them to live in an independent case. Many of the abnormalities and confusions are there that lead to the devastation of couple life. By OMORO, P.M., 2018 the causes and possible solution to the divorce cases are being defined here properly. A lot of problems were there related to the life of those couples. The possible solutions to the divorce are communication, guidance, counseling and without worrying about children and relationships. Sharing a particular platform together and being happy are the required things that can help the two couples can do and share together. Their respect towards bitgh must be established properly to both of them. Removing the personal grudges and coming up with their own solutions are seen to be an important aspect of these relationships (Paa.confex, 2020).

5.0 Research Design

5.1 Research Strategy

A proper strategy related to the methodology here is demonstrated for the analysis of this impact in African community in Lodon. Secondary research is shown that is helpful for the proper understanding of the impact involved here. The reason for these impacts is seen here properly. A proper solution for the impact is also presented in this case for the resolving of these cases easily here. Review of people helps in the knowledge and information gaining for the scenario here (Mugasha, A., 2017). Secondary research gives proper information related to why such cases occur and also finally gives a good solution regarding this impact or case.

5.2 Research Methodology

A quantitative methodology is being used in this case for the proper understanding of a people's view regarding the divorce cases in African communities that live in London. Views of various divorce parents as well as their children are also being focused here. Different divorced people and families reports will also be investigated in this case. Children present life after their family separation will be analyses here in this case. Around few people were selected for the questionnaire to complete. The people selected for the data analysis were on married people, divorced male and divorced females. Possible solutions are also being described by those people here. These questionnaires are divided into four parts. The first part is representation of demographic values, the second part is related to the proper reason for the divorce in Africa, the third one is related to the 4 scaling scoring technique and solution to those divorce cases and the fourth one is the rating of divorce in Africa (Bezuidenhout, 2018). The study targets 5 married people, 5 divorced men and 5 divorced women. These are the 4 targeted audiences here in Africa. The direct interview and questionnaires are required to be focused here in this case for the proper understanding of the case of the impact of divorce on African community people living in London. The questionnaire asked if these people were ethical and has a good impact on the community and society of African people. A proper solution was also possibly brought from these questionnaires and surveys so that this divorce can be ended or the two lives can be saved. According to the interviews it was found that the impact of this divorce was specially on the children and the adolescence one. The personal review of these people helps in remaking the broken homes that are impacted by this case. Thus personal interviews and questionnaires are an important aspect of the study here. A justifiable statement that can be made in this scenario is that the objective of examining the divorce case and solution to these undesirable conditions that occur in the African community today (link.springer,2019).

Study area

A proper study on the suggested population is required here in this case for the analysis of the case. The data collection instruments are being understood here properly for the better results to be gained. A proper structure of those questionnaires is being opened in this study for better understanding. A good option is also provided with the alternatives present. Data collection is an important task that is considered to be helpful in this study. Agreement and disagreement are possible for the respondent and thus initiated by them properly. These secondary data are generally used and taken from the various sources available. Well structured questions and interviews are being presented in this case for understanding the problem (De Jong, M., 2018). Questionnaires are presented in this part easily and surveys also helped in getting feedback for the solution regarding this case. These feedbacks of selected and targeted people are generally for the remaking and reconstructing the broken houses. King Mswati is seen to be following polygamy and the African communities are following polygamy that is the ritual for attaining a number of marriage ceremonies. These are one of the reasons for the divorce cases in the African communities. Keeping a lot of women as wives are seen as a crime in African communities that lives in London but the polygamy that is followed in Africa is seen to be one of the harsh things that lead to the divorce case in Africa. The answers that can be gained through this study are being demonstrated in this case. The first question is being answered by people properly. The African parents do understand and bear the loss of divorce in their life. It had a great impact on the children’s psychology and social beings. Financially it impacts, but the other impacts are also there that removes the father and mother blessings in adolescence. These family breakdowns lead the kids to gain a negative way and possess lot of crimes in their life. Some of these children’s are found to be suffering from drug abuse cases and various crimes in the London. Moreover the gangs and negative groups do target the children’s so that they can bring them with their troupes. They bring them in wrong deeds and also to the drug abusing cases. By the survey it can be said that there are lot of ways to solve the situation of this divorce cases in African communities. The first one is to consult a councilor so that they can help in solving the situation and help in join the two parties properly. The other method is that the two can sit together with their family member and solve the situation properly.

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Research onion

A research onion is a useful method to carry out the methodology related to the impact of divorce in Afrcian community that lives in London. A proper implementation of the data collection and analysis is represented in this case easily. Surveys and interviews are also an important part of this research to be carried out properly.

research onion

This research onion is composed of different parts and is composed of various methods that can be applied in these divorce scenarios to be understood properly. The important part of this onion is the research, multi method, Realism, survey and interviews that are to be performed in order to perform this analysis properly. The positivism and the inductive methodology is also being initiated in this part easily for the proper demonstration of the research onion in this case. Data analysis is generally performed by the help of descriptive data statistics present. Research and questionnaires are the important tools regarding the data analysis and the statistical analysis to be performed (scholarworks.uni, 2020).

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6.0 Conclusion

It can be concluded that the research presented in this case is an ethical one and is a helpful one for the proper understanding of the impact in this scenario. The most impacted one in this case are seen to be the children’s or the adolescents one. There can be various reasons for this impact to be occurring in the African families. A proper data analysis and the data collection is being processed for the research to be conducted properly. Secondary data research is conducted with the help of surveys to understand this concept and reason behind the case. Research methodology is conducted by the help of questionnaires and interviews that are performed on a targeted population. Research questionnaires are also performed in order to understand this case. A proper solution is gained regarding the scenario. The feedback of those selected people help inform a good solution regarding the broken and remaking those broken homes. Four parts are being divided in the research methodology for the better understanding of the population selected. The first part deals with the different age groups, the second part purely describes the reason behind those divorces, the third part is the solution regarding those cases and the final one is for the rate that is being provided by the people available. Generally different reasons are available and those are to be dealt with by the parents properly so that such scenarios cannot occur and the children couldn't be impacted in such cases.

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Reference List

Bezuidenhout, C., Theron, L. and Fritz, E., 2018. Positive adjustment to first grade despite divorce: Lessons for school psychologists. School Psychology International, 39(5), pp.490-509.

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Muchena, K.C., Howcroft, G. and Stroud, L.A., 2018. “Men don’t cry”: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of Black South African men’s experience of divorce. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 18(2).

Tsuma, D.M. and Atony, O.W., 2019. Factors Leading To Divorce and Level of Awareness in the Church: A Case of Africa Inland Church, Starehe Sub County, Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, 1(1), pp.41-55.

Sandler, I., Wolchik, S., Mazza, G., Gunn, H., Tein, J.Y., Berkel, C., Jones, S. and Porter, M., 2020. Randomized effectiveness trial of the new beginnings program for divorced families with children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 49(1), pp.60-78.


Moradi, M., 2017. The Investigation of the Marriage and Divorce Status in Tabriz. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(2), pp.36-50.

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